If you like taking tests: here's another two, to find out your Empathising Quotient (EQ) and Systemising Quotient (SQ).
The Empathising–Systemising (E-S) theory (Baron-Cohen et al., 2003) seeks to classify people on the basis of their skills in the two factors of empathising and systemising.
Empathising is the drive to identify mental states and respond to these with an appropriate emotion.
Systemising is the drive to analyse systems or construct systems.
The theory attempts to explain the social and communication symptoms in Asperger's Syndrome and High Functioning Autism as deficits and delays in empathising combined with intact or superior systemising.
This theory divides people into 5 groups:
Type E ('female brain'), whose empathising is significantly better than their systemising.
Type S ('male brain'), whose systemising is significantly better than their empathising.
Type B ('balanced brain'), whose empathising is as good as their systemising.
Extreme Type E ('extreme female brain'), whose empathising is above average but whose systemising is challenged.
Extreme Type S ('extreme male brain'), whose systemising is above average but whose empathising is challenged.
The important factor to consider is not your absolute scores, but the difference between the two (EQ - SQ). This indicates whether you have more natural ability as an Empathiser or a Systemiser. If your scores are about the same for your EQ and SQ, then you have well balanced empathising-systemising capabilities.
Here's the EQ SQ tests: EQ SQ tests.
Note: The scores you get on this test are different from the original Baron-Cohen (2003) EQ SQ scores! The SQ has been revised (SQ-R) in 2006 (see Wheelwright et al., 2006).
I scored EQ 40 SQ 104 Extreme Systemising
1975, ASD: Asperger's Syndrome (diagnosed: October 22, 2009)
Interests: science, experimental psychology, psychophysics, music (listening and playing (guitar)) and visual arts
Don't focus on your weaknesses, focus on your strengths
Last edited by Scientist on 05 Dec 2009, 9:46 pm, edited 5 times in total.