Dillogic wrote:
pensieve wrote:
You don't know that for sure.
I'd hazard a guess that the lack of empathy, insight and marked egocentricity of those with AS would lead to them actually being worst in regards to understanding others, no matter if they have the same disorder or not.
I'd also say that any meetup of people with an ASD would be just a whole heap of people lecturing one another and/or not interacting.
Whilst normal people will also struggle with understanding those with an ASD, they'll probably be better at it.
Contrary to what NT's say, people with ASD are not incapable of empathy. They have more difficulty learning it. They are capable of developing a logical empathy.
There is a little bit of truth to what you say. People who have lived their life in isolation, lecturing at NT's, would have a hard time adjusting to a new paradigm, but it can be done.