My remedy (although I admit it may not be the best but it helps me get through) are the three C's:
Or sometimes if catnaps aren't possible long amounts of sleep at night, but usually I'll do catnaps for 1-3 weeks, depending on how long the stressful period is and what all I need to get done, then I crash for 12-18 hours for 2-4 days.
Not exactly healthy or ideal but I have a weird job that is unpredictable, involves social stimulation 90% of the time and is extremely stressful to me. And there are no regular 4-12 work shifts, some days it can be 2 hours, some days it can be from the moment I wake up until I lie my head down on my pillow and try to catch a sorry excuse for sleep.
This is why I need to get out of this job. If I stay any longer than my planned 9 more weeks, I'll probably have a mental break down, melt down, panic attack or all three.