anbuend wrote:
ZeroGravitas wrote:
Aspergers is a genetic condition affecting neurological structures. One cannot "develop it," one is born with it. It can be diagnosed by symptoms evident at an early age.
It sounds like you became antisocial.
True, but lots of autistic people
think they were a lot more successful than they are, as well as the fact that there are people who (when not looked at really closely) are diagnosable with AS, whose traits didn't become super-obvious until high school. So it's not common, but it's not totally impossible either.
define "success" as a child
I went over friends houses, I was one of the first ones picked in gym class, i made the kids laugh by being a class clown, the pretty girls were friendly with me, the most popular guy in our grade came over my house several times just to hang out, i volunteered to read in class and do speeches for extra credit, i went to amusement parks with popular guys, i was invited to a few of the "cool kids" parties
i think the only thing i didn't achieve as a child was a girlfriend
i was never picked on for being the "outcast" or a "nerd", I was picked on for being smaller than everybody else, it wasn't really bullying it was just teasing that really started to bother me after about 8 years or so
than high school came around, I no longer fit in with the cool people and was somewhat content with being alone because nobody was calling me "little man" or "midget" anymore
I also became too shy to read in class and volunteer to do speeches