This is more aimed for Aspies who are unhappy in themselves and have only average intelligence, like me.
I've given this some thought and I have some to the conclusion that I would most likely be happier if I didn't have all the co-morbids with AS. I have anxiety disorder, stress disorder, depression, and social anxiety, and it seems that these co-morbids are very contradicting to AS.
If I didn't have anxiety/stress disorder, I may be more able to accomplish more things what only stress and anxiety hold me back from doing, not so much AS itself. It might reduce some of the outbursts I have over situations that are too stressful to handle and having the urge to blow up about it instead. I can't think of anything off-hand at the moment what causes stress for me. Just about everything, really. That's one factor that makes me feel like my life is one big issue and is not worth living.
Also the depression. My depression comes from feeling isolated and unable to function the same way as my peers in some things like going out with friends. The AS holds me back from making friends, but then I get depressed because of the lack of friends or the ability to make friends. If I didn't have depression over this, then I might feel more content in being my ''own best friend''.
And social anxiety is the worst co-morbid to AS of all. It makes me more aware of myself and how I appear to others, and makes me hypersensitive to others judging me or how they feel about me, etc. I think I might feel more comfortable in social situations if I didn't have social anxiety, even if I still had afflicting shyness or selective mutism.
Obviously some things would still be limited because of having AS, but I'm talking more about how one feels about themselves and their outlook on life. Any thoughts? How about you? Would you feel a bit happier in yourself if you ONLY had AS and no co-morbids like depression, anxiety and social anxiety/phobias?