Changes made, which affect my life, if done by others, are very troubling. I hate them in fact. Such as favorite stores or restaurants selling out to a new owner, or closing down, or things like that are very hard to deal with. On the other hand, rearranging furniture is fine with me, as long as I'm the one doing it. Other people on the spectrum, have said they hate furniture being moved at all, if I recall. I also don't like technological changes AT ALL!! ! Cell phone operating systems, and things like that are very annoying. Worst being when they stopped analog TV in the USA in 2009. I am not used to that yet, and it's been 4 years.
Another example of changes I don't do well with, is that I bought a new truck last year (a 2012 Tacoma) to replace my 2005 Tacoma. The body and interior and engine are identical, but there are a few quirks which I detest! Little things like the air conditioner controls, which look the same, but the new one forces you to leave the cold/hot knob a little above cold, in order to have outside air come in. Seems dumb, but it's a correct function according to the book. The 2005 did not have it that way. As a result, I won't sell the old one.