One thing that seems to come with the territory of having Aspergers, is that ignorant "outsiders" with no prior knowledge of the condition will assume that your odd behaviour is the result of bad or negligent parenting. I've had this a few times, and it always seems to fall into one of three categories:
1) Your parents neglected you and let you do whatever you wanted;
2) Your parents were excessively harsh and abusive making you the way you are today (I even had a frikkin psychiatrist ask me in our second session if my parents beat me, as if a more genetic cause wasn't more likely!! this one is so absurd that it's not worth responding to; if anything, those kind of parents are the ones who believe that beating somebody with Aspergers will drive it out of them...duh...)
3) You had rich parents who spoiled you and never encouraged personal responsibility or instilled cause-and-effect thinking in you for your own life experience (I got this one more often than the other two...)
I'm from a middle-upper class family, and my parents were both in scientific surprise there. But they were not that negligent of me, compared to other parents, and they struggled to get to the root of my problems/differences by having me see half a dozen different child psychiatrists to no avail (this was the 1980s). Still, even at that time and up to more recent years, when some imbeciles told me that one of the three above assumptions must be true, I always discounted it as even being a possibility.
Looking at "the big picture": if anything, parents of a child on the spectrum would probably not want to portray assumptions 1-3 above, if they had any sense of dignity and not wishing to be judged by neighbours and society, so they would do everything possible to minimize those perceptions and get their kid the help they need.