thechadmaster wrote:
I am the opposite, i find most sciences to be utterly without merit, i take the Bible as the ultimate history book. i cant understand how our world got here without divine influence. the odds are just too long that earth "just happened" there had to be an intelligent creator, there is no way around it.
Accepting the probability of intelligent design is still a long way from believing that a creative force behind the makeup of universe is the Yaweh of the bible.
But I find atheism every bit as ignorant and closed-minded as any fundamentalist Christian or Muslim ever was. Insisting that there can be no creator without absolute proof that none exists is an act of faith, not science.
So-called 'intelligent' humans have been on this planet for only a few thousand years, while the universe around us has been here for billions, yet some proudly assert their intellectual superiority because they think their precious God '
Science' has found all the answers and explanations already - yet scientists revise their findings and their definitions of absolute truth and reality constantly.
On a cosmic scale, we don't yet qualify as kindergartners, and already as we divide and explore the matter that makes up our seemingly solid physical world, all indications are that its not so solid and physical as it seems and that the universe itself may be in some sense 'alive' - we may all be living in a conscious cosmic 'Holodeck'.
All I know is, people who claim they have all the answers never do. Humans aren't evolved enough to have acquired that much comprehension yet. If someone told us the whole truth, our heads would explode trying to process it.