gaktkr wrote:
shes most likely asleep if she isnt dead and her phone ran out of power yesterday. im not sure why she doesnt charge it.
Ask her.
I rarely charge my mobile but that is because I hate people just randomly calling and texting me when I was not expecting a phone call/text or I am busy. Not everyone likes being contactable every minute of every day. Some people like space. In fact my mobile has been dead for a long time and I never top it up. I also unplug my landline and switch off my pc.
I also recently sold all my gaming consoles as well as I am sick of the technological age already. No one leaves the house anymore. People don't interact with each other in person any more, people have relationships without ever having met, you can't sleep without something beeping, buzzing, ringing or dinging....
People spend their whole lives staring at electronic boxes touting images of the media...unrealistic expectations.
I am sick of it and have started selling off my techno gear and media...consoles, dvds, is all slowly going.
And no I don't own a kindle. I still read books.
I like to walk...outside, in the fresh air. I like to visit museums or experience the coast with my own eyes, not just sit and watch a documentary (although I will keep my docu all the same).
Maybe she can't find her charger?
I can't usually find mine lol.