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08 Dec 2013, 8:09 am

hi my girlfriend has dissociative episodes and she had one last night and basically i told her to go to sleep and she did.

the episode last night she thought she was 4 years older than what she is now and that we have a daughter and that we're married. it isnt the first one shes had but its the first one ive actually managed to get her to sleep. she also has suicidal thoughts and stuff and im just so worried. ive been worried all night and all day and its just killing me. she hasnt come online yet so im just worrying even more.

please can someone help me on this. im just so worried that shes killed herself or something. she means everything to me and im all she has got. she basically has no family or anyone to go to except me.

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Snowy Owl
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08 Dec 2013, 8:16 am

Could you call the local police and explain why you're worried about the saefty of your girlfiend?
They could check up on her.

Not sure if I have it or not.


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08 Dec 2013, 8:18 am

the problem is my girlfriend lives over 150 miles away from me. i really want to see her for christmas as she doesnt really have anyone to spend it with her. she was planning to kill herself on christmas but i talked her out of it.

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08 Dec 2013, 8:28 am

It sounds like she needs professional psychiatric help or even institutionalisation for a while. There is very little you can do on your own, especially 150 miles away!

I've left WP indefinitely.


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08 Dec 2013, 8:33 am

shes getting help but it isnt day to day help, its just like weekly. she is going to be put into a care home again but she wants to postpone it until wednesday 11th instead of monday 9th december because she says she cant miss another day of college since shes missed about a month because of her mental health.

all that keeps going through my head is "you've killed her" or "shes dead". is driving me insane.

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Pileated woodpecker
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08 Dec 2013, 8:35 am

Have you tried calling here?


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08 Dec 2013, 8:40 am

shes most likely asleep if she isnt dead and her phone ran out of power yesterday. im not sure why she doesnt charge it.

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08 Dec 2013, 8:40 am

gaktkr wrote:
shes getting help but it isnt day to day help, its just like weekly. she is going to be put into a care home again but she wants to postpone it until wednesday 11th instead of monday 9th december because she says she cant miss another day of college since shes missed about a month because of her mental health. all that keeps going through my head is "you've killed her" or "shes dead". is driving me insane.

The way I see it, you have only four options.

1. Close the physical distance and do all that you can to take care of her for the rest of her life.

2. Stay where you are and provide that support from a distance.

3. Stay where you are and continue to monitor the situation from a distance.

4. Stop all contact and let "nature" take its course.

I've never known anyone to "get better" from a dissociative personality disorder (if that's what she has), so whatever option you choose is going to be a tough one.

Good luck.


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08 Dec 2013, 8:44 am

the doctor that shes seeing said she will get better because there are no defects of her brain. im going to try and close the distance, we've been together for 2 years and 1 month (2 years and 2 months on christmas) and we havent actually met yet. so im going to ask my parents if i can meet her on christmas. i can drive myself. ive never gone so far and i only have around 2 years driving experience but she means everything to me so ill do it.

also i could never ever think of leaving her ever. ive promised her ill be with her forever.

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08 Dec 2013, 8:46 am

AshTrees wrote:
Could you call the local police and explain why you're worried about the saefty of your girlfiend?
They could check up on her.

That can be annoying if there is nothing wrong with her.

I once had an online contact that called the police to check on me because I had not logged on for two days.

Suffice to say I was not very happy about having my Criminal Minds viewing disturbed by two coppers knocking unexpectedly on my door. I also wonder what the neighbours thought and was annoyed because the whole thing seemed like an over exaggerated response to my mind.

Give her a few more hours. If she has not been online or has not contacted you by tomorrow rethink whether it might be worth calling someone to check on her.

She may just be busy or sleeping an for an extra long period of time.


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08 Dec 2013, 8:50 am

thanks, if she hasnt came online by the end of the day ill see what i can do.

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08 Dec 2013, 8:55 am

gaktkr wrote:
shes most likely asleep if she isnt dead and her phone ran out of power yesterday. im not sure why she doesnt charge it.

Ask her.

I rarely charge my mobile but that is because I hate people just randomly calling and texting me when I was not expecting a phone call/text or I am busy. Not everyone likes being contactable every minute of every day. Some people like space. In fact my mobile has been dead for a long time and I never top it up. I also unplug my landline and switch off my pc.

I also recently sold all my gaming consoles as well as I am sick of the technological age already. No one leaves the house anymore. People don't interact with each other in person any more, people have relationships without ever having met, you can't sleep without something beeping, buzzing, ringing or dinging....

People spend their whole lives staring at electronic boxes touting images of the media...unrealistic expectations.

I am sick of it and have started selling off my techno gear and media...consoles, dvds, is all slowly going.

And no I don't own a kindle. I still read books.

I like to walk...outside, in the fresh air. I like to visit museums or experience the coast with my own eyes, not just sit and watch a documentary (although I will keep my docu all the same).

Maybe she can't find her charger?

I can't usually find mine lol.


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08 Dec 2013, 8:58 am

gaktkr wrote:
thanks, if she hasnt came online by the end of the day ill see what i can do.

Well I hope she is ok and all turns out well. I am a grump about certain things in life (social stuff, techno stuff) but I don't like to see any harm come to anyone.


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08 Dec 2013, 9:09 am

thanks, ill let everyone know whats happened when i find out.

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08 Dec 2013, 4:48 pm

You have never met her, and now you are willing to drop everything and travel to help her out?

I'm all for helping, don't get me wrong, but this woman needs serious professional care. Your being there is only going to enable the problem. She is going to suck you down a rabbit hole. You are in no position to help her, except the following:

1) Do what you reasonably can to encourage her to get professional help. Then let the professionals do their work.

2) If she says she is going to kill herself, and shows signs of being serious, i.e. she has a plan figured out, then you need to call her local police to tell them there is a potential suicide, and that they need to go to her address to help her.


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09 Dec 2013, 4:38 am

JSBACHlover wrote:
You have never met her, and now you are willing to drop everything and travel to help her out?

I'm all for helping, don't get me wrong, but this woman needs serious professional care. Your being there is only going to enable the problem. She is going to suck you down a rabbit hole. You are in no position to help her, except the following:

1) Do what you reasonably can to encourage her to get professional help. Then let the professionals do their work.

2) If she says she is going to kill herself, and shows signs of being serious, i.e. she has a plan figured out, then you need to call her local police to tell them there is a potential suicide, and that they need to go to her address to help her.

Pleas forgive me for saying, and I could be totally wrong, but it sounds a little like manipulation to me. Not charging the phone for example so you have to chase her.