Corndawg wrote:
You have PTSD? That is so relieving to hear. Well I mean of course I would never wish that on you but it's nice to hear from someone else who has Asperger's. I suffer from panic disorder and at night I get so panicky about just everything! And my therapist doesn't seem to understand. They keep trying to tell me how to "cure" it but I have tried those things and it doesn't work but they say "Oh do it again". I finally went to an AS therapist and I felt so good about what he was saying.....and then at the end of the visit he goes and tells me he's going to send me to someone else. Ugh! I'm so frustrated! I just want to be better.
I was in therapy with a non AS therapist for three years after a massive meltdown. I did the same thing with hating myself because while we were making progress, there was this invisable wall I could not get through withsensory issues and social stuff. That was the reason I decided to pursue an official dx telling me yes or no for the AS portion.
When it came back as a deffinite DX my entire way of seeing my life transformed. I finally understood that all the grounding tools in the world would not help block out ten people talking at the same time. But it does help if I have a flashback.
My AS therapist told me that he found it common for people on the spectrum to have PTSD if they were vulnerable to abuse due to AS traits such as not understanding when an adult told the child to do something that wasimmoral and the child trusted the adult. It really had to be a pet watersnake afterall... right?
Anyway, yeah... it helps knowing what is going on inside ourselves.
the right tool for the right job