Hey, you!! ! I know you from DeviantART, Tumblr, and Wingnut City! I'm only on Wingnut City now, though. Mom took away the other two accounts after some drama happened on the first two websites. PM me for my account!
I don't have much of a social life, save a weekly therapy appointment at a coffee shop. Yes, a coffee shop. The building she works at is horrible for sensory issues, so she agreed to meet at a coffee shop up the street. I hate going to therapy. Why? The focus is on me! I hate it! Usually it's just Mom talking to my therapist about me, and me agreeing with what they say, and that's good enough. I don't want to be talked to too much. When she does talk to me, I want to shrink down and hide as fast as I can. She's not even that intimidating!
Case management, or more like social management, is a slightly different story. My case manager, who I call "Kay," takes me on outings every other therapy day, unless she calls in sick like today. I look forward to going out, but only for the shopping or whatever I do. The socializing scares me enough that I don't talk much, even though the whole thing is about becoming more social and having a "friend."
I can put up with family events a little more, but I always go home with a migraine and an upset stomach. The upset stomach is usually from eating so much, but the migraine is usually from the stress of being out and socializing. I usually need an escape plan for these events, but I still get a migraine and end up doing everything in my power to get rid of it, but can't do anything about it except go to bed and move to certain positions until the pain lessens so I can get some sleep.
Sorry for rambling, I've had a really long day, but thanks to the RC Cola, I'm not sure how soon it's ending.