Does anyone else here ramble like crazy when they talk?

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13 Dec 2013, 9:34 am

I find that whenever I talk to other people, I have a tendency just ramble on and on about my interests, or things that I've recently learned, or the issues in my life, or just whatever else is on my mind. I believe that part the reason for this is because I often have a hard time trying to condense what I'm saying down into a shorter, more digestible form. As a result of my tendency to ramble, I also find that I have a hard time getting other people to listen to me, since I'll just yak their ears off and they'll go off into la-la land.

As well, I also find that I have a hard time listening to and comprehending what other people have to say. Needless to say, whenever I converse with someone, it tends to become rather lopsided. :P

Tufted Titmouse
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13 Dec 2013, 9:43 am

Yup, this is me. This is probably why I don't have many friends :lol:

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13 Dec 2013, 9:45 am

mr_bigmouth_502 wrote:
I find that whenever I talk to other people, I have a tendency just ramble on and on about my interests, or things that I've recently learned, or the issues in my life, or just whatever else is on my mind. I believe that part the reason for this is because I often have a hard time trying to condense what I'm saying down into a shorter, more digestible form. As a result of my tendency to ramble, I also find that I have a hard time getting other people to listen to me, since I'll just yak their ears off and they'll go off into la-la land.

As well, I also find that I have a hard time listening to and comprehending what other people have to say. Needless to say, whenever I converse with someone, it tends to become rather lopsided. :P

I've never been extremely talkative, though I have my moments. Most of the time I can let other people talk, but I have a hard time listening/caring and a bad habit of interrupting someone mid-sentence and going of on a different topic.


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13 Dec 2013, 9:52 am

That's why I don't talk much except to myself.

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13 Dec 2013, 9:57 am

This seems to be a common (though not universal) feature among verbal autistics (and perhaps for non-verbal autistics, too, in writing); we just have so much going on in our heads that it is difficult to condense it all, so we share it as it is :lol: .

Are you familiar with the proposed four "types" of autism (aloof, passive, active-but-odd, and stilted)? Rambling would be more common in the active-but-odd group, a supposed group that wants to communicate and interact with others but does so in an unusual manner, whereas those in the aloof group supposedly pay little mind to the outside world and thus does not interact much with others, those in the passive group are supposed more reversed and, well, passive, and those in the stilted group are supposedly over-formal and follow what social rules they understand rigidly (although I suppose that one can ramble in an over-formal manner). It's a controversial and perhaps inaccurate theory, as many people seem to fall in multiple sub-types, but it's interesting, nevertheless.

Though I do ramble on occasion, I seem to be passive by nature and stilted by molding and, thus, am more "scripted" and reversed with my patterns of communication, which often does not translate into rambling (though my posts on WP many seem contradictory to this :lol:).

I am not a textbook case of any particular disorder; I am an abstract, poetic portrayal of neurovariance with which much artistic license was taken.


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13 Dec 2013, 10:07 am

I do it all the time when talking 1:1 with someone. I'm more quiet in a group of people but am getting better at speaking up.

But when I do talk, it's often time consuming if on a subject I'm passionate or feel strongly about.


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13 Dec 2013, 10:49 am

We all ramble. It's a symptom of Asperger's. We all bounce around from topic to topic. It's a symptom of Asperger's. Why are you even asking this question? It's like asking, "Does anyone else who has had poison ivy ever been really itchy?"


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13 Dec 2013, 11:47 am

When it's something I like or am at least knowledgable about this can be from time to time.


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13 Dec 2013, 12:29 pm

JSBACHlover is correct - Rambling on about something we like is a core symptom of Asperger's.

That's why aspie kids are nicknamed "little professors".


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13 Dec 2013, 12:31 pm

I have the tendency to ramble when I'm around people I'm comfortable with, because I don't feel so embarassed about the fact that my rambling can go on for long periods of time, and at times they can be rather incoherent. I think I have a hard time, too, condensing my thoughts. If I'm around a lot of people, or people I don't know very well, I don't talk unless someone asks me something directly.

Does the rambling ever exhaust anyone, though? After about an hour straight of my long and winding talking (and simultaneous long and winding thoughts), I think I get overwhelmed and my brain will actually try to shut it down by dissociating.

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13 Dec 2013, 12:32 pm


Either that I am too quiet and hardly speak at all. I go either way depending.


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13 Dec 2013, 12:41 pm

Just like Bumble, that's me.


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13 Dec 2013, 12:52 pm

I'm really quiet.

Someone once said to me: "Babybird, you've got so much to say, but you just won't say it".

I think that was true. WP is my chance to express myself in the way other people would probably talk. :)

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13 Dec 2013, 1:10 pm

Yes, I both ramble and mumble. People tell me all the time but it's like telling me not to automatically breathe: I haven't the slightest clue how.

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13 Dec 2013, 1:20 pm

Yes, I sometimes do tend to ramble. I am what I call a "talkative introvert".


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13 Dec 2013, 1:51 pm


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