(Sorry for the rambley)
So, I am attempting to find professional looking deep pressure clothing. Or at least semi-professional.
I need to for my tutoring dress with "nicer clothes than t-shirts", is basically what I was told. They don't require much in terms of a dress-code, but they have one and I need to follow it.
So, the problem is that I've been REALLY BADLY needing to get better clothing to give me deep pressure; I'm not functioning (cognitively I'm at the point where I'm forgetting I need to get pull the cord to get off the bus, I'm dissociating enough that without enough huge coping skills I'd not be safe alone, and as it is I'm still not functioning, just not unsafe, speech has been enough of a mess that I've set up an AAC app in case I need it).
I know deep pressure helps me tremendously. At home I spend large portions of time under my weighted blanket. I use it in many ways, and have many things already...
but... my compression shirts are not doing nearly enough for after tutoring. And because of the places I'm needing to use them, I specifically need something that /looks/ good, or I can at least cover with clothing to look good (no matter the time of year). Which from my research, is not a thing that happens very frequently.
So PLEASE, anything anyone has, is DEFINITELY useful to me, and probably useful to others on here as well.
So, for others, the first thing I suggest is compression shirts. They're useful and do something, but don't do very much.
At a higher level if you want to go there, there's breast binders. The compression there is much more noticeable, and they're good for layering with. (The one I have looks like a black stretchy t-shirt, but has a layer of compression under that)