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Blue Jay
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10 Feb 2007, 10:29 pm

I found it only in german, sorry :?

Who the f**k is Entchen!?

If you play genius, you`ll be one.

Salvador dali


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11 Feb 2007, 12:12 am

If this link points to a German site, what's the point? Very few of us can understand it. Is there something about it you found interesting and wanted to share with us or discuss?


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11 Feb 2007, 12:13 am

Maybe a Deutsch lad can translate for us.


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11 Feb 2007, 12:32 am

translator stat.

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11 Feb 2007, 12:36 am

NeantHumain wrote:
If this link points to a German site, what's the point? Very few of us can understand it. Is there something about it you found interesting and wanted to share with us or discuss?

GEE, cloud DID apologize. It earlier DID have a link to the original, IN ENGLISH. I would want to do it justice, so I was thinking about translating it like sunday or monday if nobody else did.

The discovery of "ASPIE"
criteria from Tony Attwood and Carol Gray Autumn 1999

Apparantly just gives criteria for diagnosing Aspergers, and information on what help should be available and what can be done to get back on track. Unfortunately, I am a bit tired and have to AGAIN do somebody elses work later today.(it is now 12:33am here!) This DOES have some "to serve man"(famous rod serling TZ reference) undertones!! !! ! One example?

Wenn Asperger Syndrom durch die Beobachtung von Stärken und Talenten identifiziert würde, dann wäre es nicht länger im DSM IV, und man würde es nicht länger als Syndrom ansehen.

If Aspergers Syndrome was identified through the observation of strengths and talents, then it would no longer be in the DSM IV, and one would no longer see it as a syndrome!

Be happy that we have a lot of talent here, and people willing to translate! 8-)


Last edited by SteveK on 11 Feb 2007, 12:37 am, edited 1 time in total.


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11 Feb 2007, 12:36 am

Some the best discoveries of this century creative and purposeful efforts were over ` which would be, if...?' To answer questions. What would be, if humans could fly? What would be, if electricity could be made usable around light to produce? What would be, if there were, international communication and information network work which can be reached simply? Those answer resulted in lasting changes: Aviation, bulbs, the InterNet. Their less effective forerunners of the use displaced these discoveries nearly completely: Disappeared postkutsche, gaslaternen, and much-restrain, bound encyclopedias. These improvements remind us of our possibility and ability to experiment, umzugestalten, to reorient one's opinion and present. In this spirit this article refers to a new question: What would be, if Asperger syndrome were defined on the basis its strengths? Which changes would that cause?

Movement: away of diagnosis to place to discovery around a diagnosis one must direct the attention toward weaknesses, the observation and interpretation of signs and symptoms, which deviate from the normal development or health. Surely it would be a little disarming to go to the doctor a diagnosis because of, and it asks only, ` thus, what feels absolutely madly?'. The DSM IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) helps with the identification of different disturbances. By psychiatrists and other expert for psychological health is used, in order observed weaknesses, symptoms and behaviors with the text, the lehrmeinung, in agreement to bring. In the DSM IV Asperger syndrome identified with special diagnostic criteria, a constellation of observed social and kommunikativen delays and/or deviations. Once of the child or adult spoken in the politically correct ` only the person ' terminology is diagnosed, thus a person with Asperger syndrome. Differently than diagnosis the designation discovery refers rather to the identification of the strengths or talents of a person. Actors are discovered. Artists and musicians are discovered. A good friend is discovered. These humans identified with an informal combination of evaluation and admiration, which lead inevitably to the conclusion that this person - more than others - possesses admirable qualities, abilities, and/or talents. It is the acknowledgment that, "you know, it is better than I in...". If one refers to persons with respect in relation to its talents or abilities, then the politically correct is ` only the person ' terminology redundantly. Label such as musicians, artists, or poets are welcomed and seen as radix complement. If Asperger syndrome were identified by the observation of strengths and talents, then it would be not longer in the DSM IV, and one would not regard it longer than syndrome. Finally one would talk about someone with special strengths and talents neither in labels with negative taste (one says artists and poets, not artistically arrogant or dichterisch spirit-absent), nor hangs on one someone name the word syndrome (one says singers or soloist, not to Sinatra syndrome). If one focuses the strengths, one must the previous term, Asperger's syndrome, replaces by a new expression. Authors find that the word Aspie, which Liane Holliday Willey inserted related to itself in its new book, Pretending ton normal(1999) is an expression, which is exactly correct and between the other talent-justified expressions as at home: Soloist, genius, Aspie, dancer. With shrinking DSM IV, the authors also a description lead potential a much-used by ` Aspie ' in a place in, but did not existenten yet manual of the discoveries with humans (MDP = manual OF Discoveries About People) in. (Figure1) New ways of thinking lead frequently to discoveries, which discard progressively their outdated forerunners. Comparably also the change has interesting effects of Asperger's syndrome to Aspie and offers new possibilities. It could lead there that typical humans consider their reactions, and which missed possibility saves of drawing an advantage for culture and knowledge from the contribution of the Aspies. Figure1: Criteria for the discovery of Aspie, of Attwood and Gray * A. Qualitative advantages in social interaction, manifests in the majority of the following points: 1. ' or to regard ability other one with their ` nominal value ' 3. one says relations with contemporaries coined/shaped of absolute loyalty and irreproachable reliability 2. freely of more sexistischer, ` more agistic to cult-Uralsistic prepossession, what one thinks, regardless of the social context and/or holding to the own opinion and attitude 4th ability, personal theories or perspectives to pursue despite obvious conflicts 5th search for listeners or friends with the following abilities: Enthusiasm for singular interests and topics; Appreciation of details; Time to discuss a topic that possibly from primary interest is 6th listening does not spend to pull without permanent judging or hasty conclusions 7. mainly interested in significant contributions of a discussion; Inclination ` ritualistic small talc ' or socially trivial remarks and superficial Konversation to avoid 8th search for sincere, positive, honest friends with a reserved sense for humor * B. Liquid in ` Aspergerese ' of a social language, characterizes by at least three of the following points: 1. Determination to look for the truth 2nd Konversation freely of hidden meanings or suggestions 3rd advanced vocabulary and interest in words 4th fascination in up word basing humor, like in wordplays 5th advanced use of graphic comparisons * C Cognitive abilities, characterizes by at least four of the following points: 1. strong preference of details before the overall view 2nd original, often singular way of problem solution 3rd unusual memory and/or memory of details, which are ignored often forgotten by others or, e.g. name, data, schedules, to collect routines 4th avid perseverance information about an interesting topic and list 5th persistence of thinking 6th enzyklopaedisches, or ` CD-ROM ' knowledge of one or more topics a 7th knowledge around routines, and a focused desire to retain order and accuracy 8th clarity around value/decisions, regardless of political or financial factors * D Possible additional characteristics: 1. sharp sensitivity opposite specific sensory experiences and stimulations, e.g. hearing, contact, seeing, and/or smell 2nd strength in single kinds of sport or plays, in particular such, the perseverance or sharp seeing to require, including rudders, swimming, Bowling/Kegeln, chess 3rd ` socially unbesungener hero ' with trusting optimism: frequent victim of the social weaknesses of others, nevertheless stably in the faith in the possibility of honest friendship 4. increased probability over the general population after the resuming school a university/university to visit 5th often fuersorglich different opposite outside of the framework of the typical development Typical reactions consider many may the early elementary reading and work book from the time of the wirtschaftswunders remember, with the title ` Think and DO ' (think and act '). The title alone had already a strong educational achievement. It identified an important consequence of events, which often forget or will survey: Think first and then act. Recently the Indiana resource center distributed a handbill with a similarly subtle reminder. Its title reads ` Rethinking our Responses ' (our reactions considering) (Indiana of institutes on Disability and Community, 1999). The title presents a hidden challenge to parents and professional ones to think and then differently act ` again '. Armed with these positive criteria for Aspie, considering reveals some new notions and possibilities for reactions. The diagnostic criteria for Asperger syndrome, and the defining characteristics for Aspie are noticeably different, although they describe the same group of humans. Strictly speaking what differentiates humans with Asperger syndrome from Aspie individuals, is is, as others react. Three helpful, considered reactions are: 1) a focus on the potential, 2) significant confirmation, and 3) a placing of social arrogance for agreement and acceptance. 1) a focus on the potential it does not give being diagnosed an argument and no doubt to it that Aspie children and adults support and assistance, exactly like also that one need with Asperger the syndrome. They must be informed, and which learn secrets of the typical social understanding, and they stress assistance in negotiating with the social world, which surrounds them. The challenge may be more ensure-free for Aspies than for those with Asperger syndrome, than a direct consequence by humans, who are around it. The following example is to be considered: With eight years Patrick shows an extraordinary artistic talent. It implements projects, which lie far outside of the abilities of typical basic pupils. Are from special interest and large fascination indeed the statues and models, which it creates. Patrick's Arbeiten in local libraries and administration buildings were already issued. Its parents and teachers estimate that Patrick becomes possibly in the future an outstanding sculptor or advertising artist - and that this talent should be promoted and encouraged. Patrick is a merry child with many friends. In the class he can work effectively in small or larger groups, and lives for to roughen and in disorder-going social opportunities the that tracing. Patrick has also difficulties in mathematics, stresses helping instruction and special assistance over under all the numbers and calculation methods over water to remain. The school year begins soon again, and Patrick's new teacher, Mrs. Calder, a part of its school career is inspired too is, estimates its unbelievable gifts, and looks for ways, in order to develop its mathematical talents. Mrs. Calder talks about Patrick's Potential, without referring to its weak point in the prognosis for mathematics. Miguel starts likewise this year in Mrs. Calders class. Miguel is very strongly Aspie. Like Patrick, then also Miguel has unbelievable abilities. Above all Miguel esteemed because of its singular, apparently three-dimensional thinking; its knowledge about become extinct insects of the South American rain forests and Sear's area Luftentfeuchter; its honesty, which let its comrade shame redness rise in the face, and his obeying the rules and routines. Differently than however with Patrick Miguels must add parents and Mrs. Calder that they cannot even guess/advise ` ', where its singular talents in the future could lead. However they must also admit that Miguel at the age of eight years things can do, of which it are not capable. But they come nevertheless to the result that it possesses singular abilities, with a future, which they cannot think of or paint, gifts, which should be promoted and encouraged however. Mrs. Calder is conscious itself of the social difficulties, which surround Miguel on the schoolyard, and with the work in smaller or larger groups, and she looks for strategies, in order to develop a mutual understanding between Miguel and its school fellows. Miguel looks for honest friendliness with the others - Mrs. Calder sat down to the goal that he will find her in her classroom, on the schoolyard and to the meal break. She would like that he perfects his gifts, just like Patrick. Those, which understand Aspies sincerely, see their strengths regarding clearly and their difficulties with patience and support. Liane Holliday Willey describes its best friends: '... you light up completely simply what by my AS is better, my straight-lineness and certainty and creativity and persistence and loyalty. Because they see me first as someone, which possesses many good qualities, and only then as someone, which is simple small little different, they give me the notion to be able to likewise see me in this light.' (P. 73) 2) significant confirmation confirmation is an important, social process. A child is praised, if esteemed courses are noticed and recognized by others, ` SAM, which are you for a large assistance!' or ` Angela, which you did were in a well-conceived way!' Children have the ability to recognize also the smallest indirect ` plus ' or praise. For example Johannes helps to find a school fellow the correct side, and notices an appreciative view of his teacher. Their acknowledgment is recognized immediately, and can encourage Johannes to help in the future further different. Johannes receives further, the like, but important ` Plusse ' in the course of the daily, sufficient, to be able in order the criticism of the lunch time custodian, its waste to have dropped, intercepts. A child understands readily the meaning of verbal and non-verbal praise, important messages, which affect the self-assurance. If self-assurance means the fact that it is after the personal faith ` correct to be which one is ', then is confirmation the demonstration its, and the understanding that others agree with it. In contrast to it, missed opportunities and misunderstandings know the efforts of parents and professional ones to positively encourage that child, from the course to throw. The courses, some Aspie child actually esteems itself (logic, memory achievement, intelligence, accuracy and honesty) can from the courses, which esteem parents and experts typically, much differentiate (sensitivity, generosity, helpfulness). This can bring others to unsatisfactorily positively react on the qualities which important the Aspie child considers. From the view of the child, ` or respects me someone never notices.' Supporting ones, fuersorgliche parents and experts may praise a Aspie child, like them a typical child would praise, with cliches like ` property made!' or ` as nicely by you... to be divided '. These notes may contain however little meaning for a Aspie child, who thinks in visible, seizable terms. The small interest of the child in this kind praise cannot be misinterpreted, if typical humans conclude from it, ` it reacted simply to praise '. At the end of the daily a Aspie child feels possibly overwhelmed and without support; Its parents and teacher feel possibly likewise lost on the search to discover something what motivates the child. Although confirmation `bloecke for the bridge are present ' on both sides of the social equation, the blueprints are nevertheless sometimes different. In order to confirm a Aspie child significantly, is helpful an understanding of its strengths and his social perspective. Recognizing and praising the courses, which the child actually esteems, additionally to such talents and achievements, which show social growth, can the child self-assurance develop, during it an often provocative, social world to master search. Figure2 describes five specific strategies, in order to lend praise, confirmation and social achievements a meaning. Without doubt would know the Aspie criteria of a subpopulation, which earned it, confidence (zurueck)geben the knowledge that other personal strengths recognize and recognize, could the necessary confidence available make to master in order to construct and investigate personal talents, and challenges. In a description of its friends Liane Holliday Willey the following shows `... they are like that loyal in their confirmations that I am like that, as I am simply correct. In its eyes I am perfect correct. Everyone of them does my peculiarities with a smile and an arm movement off... They fetch me back, if I go too far, it protect me obvious fat cells, it applaudieren, if I stolpere over a part of me, that is particularly valuable.' (S.72) 3) Hinbewegen to agreement and acceptance instead of arrogance without criticize or with the finger to show to want, typical humans are socially arrogant. It seems to be appropriate in its nature, for something for which it nothing can. Proof: Typical humans are fascinated by - procures and over - everyone, that totally inspired of, or do not fall in love are in, their request to the participation in discussions or plays. - How can be? Typical humans see themselves as inestimable opportunities; of course everyone should be entzueckt, a partner of their interaction be. Anyhow, if it is normal ` '. Figure2: Five strategies, in order to lend praise, confirmation and social achievements a meaning. 1) the best praise is, if others notice personally for valuable judged courses and strengths. It is important for parents and experts to take itself time in order to become acquainted with these courses, which are considered by the Aspie child particularly important and/or valuable. Additionally, thus that they can discover the strengths by the new Aspie criteria, it may identify and recognize parents and experts more readily such, if they show up. Courses, like loyalty, honesty, staying power, logical thinking, intelligence and sincerity are worth the frequent praise. 2) significant confirmation relies on akkurate assignment. For example a child may hold out persistent, because it is related with nine further family members, who likewise exhibit this course. During Aspie one associates with certain strengths, then it replaces nevertheless not the influence of other important factors, like age, personality, a character or ererbte personality courses and talents. If one looks on these factors first, one increases thereby the value and the accuracy of praise. If other factors do not explain a course or a talent, or its intensity, then may be entitled to the Aspie factor the acknowledgment for it, or at least ` honorable appreciation ' as one, from a combination of factors. 3) meaning praise can strengthened thereby that the child receives entrance to things of his interest (books, music, computer) that someone takes itself time, and shows interest at a topic, which is important to the child, or that one uses visible materials, in order abstract achievements to symbolize (`blaues volume effort ', or ` gold medal helpfulness '). 4) social stories add social information meaning, inclusive praise. They are ` truly at home ', because they praise the courses, which the Aspie person actually estimates. A social history can describe the use of logical thinking of a child, to an achievement applause donate, or a talent praise. The information embedded - and suitable photos or example work - into a history, creates a seizable, positive memory, which can help the child to understand his strengths and values. 5) consideration select the words and cliches, which use parents and experts, in order praise to express - particularly with social achievements - can large results obtain. A talent casually mention, if a social achievement acknowledgment is gezollt (`Was for a logical friendliness of you!' or ` to invite which for an intelligent idea Alina to playing!', or ` it is intelligent from you to let Betty one while with the toy play '), can the child attention improve, and which recognized social talent meaning give. The list of social advantages of Aspie individuals in Figure1 has their roots in the social challenges for humans with Asperger syndrome. Someone as social ` again ' or ` singularly ' to regard, contains more potentials, than the negative counterparts ` embarrassingly ' or ' maladjusted '. This requires social creativity. In this case it may be helpful for neurotypical humans regard social interaction as a Trip by immigration and customs agencies. Everyone, which travels between different countries, knows the fear to go toward a customs officer who was appointed from this country to it, to make certain that the entry rules for permission are kept. Here strict rules apply; the questions are concrete and a little impolite: ` why are you here, and when you leave the country again?' ` you are here for personal or for business reasons?' (in other words, ` you are here to visit over Los Angeles or ' buy '?') The process schuert the social fear - do I see being allowed to stop for these people surely and friendly enough out (those passionless authoritarianly and without manners to be to seem) around me among them in its country? Or do they have to through-root my personal things, in order to be able to judge whether I may be let in? For Aspie people is there a daily immigration and customs agency process - a continual fear to do and say things correctly ` ', that necessary, to possess social ` document of identification ' which typical humans look for permanently with others, before they make friends themselves with them. Which social criteria are absolutely necessarily for typical humans around Aspies by social immigration and customs agencies to through-permit - is it at all possible to stretch the rules of social acceptance? Can typical humans interest show at unusual ranges of topics? Are typical intonation and smooth-current co-ordination of the face expression - gentleman over the co-operation of meant and said importance, coming sometimes into conflict - essential, in order to regard someone as a friend? Is it to be shown in order joy, by moving with hands and arms? Is it possible to take itself patiently time in order to explain a situation, which appears nevertheless obvious? Is it correct for someone to possess cognitive abilities which are not to be found in the typical population usually? Arrogance by acceptance to replace is similar to the use of oxygen masks in airplanes. The flight companions begin each flight to light up a life-saving rule regarding the masks: ` help you, before you help others '. This rule seems to stand in the contrast to the natural inclination to help first those which seem to be most helpless. The problem is, if one gives way to this inclination, could for two humans in difficulties regarding air and surviving turn out; those, which help first different with their mask, could always lose the possibility of being able to act further helpfully. Social acceptance functions on the same principle. It is worth the effort to investigate the acceptance and prepossession of social tariff and immigration - around its influence to discover to make and corrections where necessary. Afterwards one can help others. A missed opportunity save typical humans are often very astute to identify missed possibilities and show this usually very clearly, if they do this. The course leaves the station, and the staying can designate rapidly, who wanted to sit in this course, and it does not do. Or: A young man is to an interview for a desired position in a company, spends a eight hours' working day at the telephone, waiting for a call, which is transacted around 17:00, and it is explained to him that another got the place. It presents and designates this company with a new, but unfriendly designation. Opportunities are not difficult to identify, nor it remains unnoticed, if it by the fingers gutters. The discovery of the Aspies moves some valuable, endangered opportunities in the field of vision, which passed in review repeated, without their potential would have been adequately recognized. There is an opportunity new friends to find; a chance that one to consider those to be comparably unpleasant seem, but decided more honestly and more sincerely. Except the discovery of new friendships, there is the possibility of making singular perspectives and talents usable of mastering problems. There is some to do in the coming century - to heal diseases to save environment to retain liberty. Fortunately it gives humans with ways of thinking, able, to accept the challenge able, to focus and toughly hold out. They possess perspectives and talents, which are singular enough to solve the largest problems or the most provoking projects to strengthen. They are Aspies. They are the living proof for the fact that the best places will always be for playing, which are only discovered.

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11 Feb 2007, 12:37 am

I...uh....translated it.

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11 Feb 2007, 9:43 am

There's always babelfish... is that what you used?


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11 Feb 2007, 10:00 am

SteveK wrote:
NeantHumain wrote:
If this link points to a German site, what's the point? Very few of us can understand it. Is there something about it you found interesting and wanted to share with us or discuss?

GEE, cloud DID apologize. It earlier DID have a link to the original, IN ENGLISH. I would want to do it justice, so I was thinking about translating it like sunday or monday if nobody else did.

Well, I don't know why he's linking to an article in German when the original English-language version of the article is already available on Tony Attwood's website: The Discovery of Aspie Criteria (note: For some painfully annoying reason, Attwood has all direct links on his website redirect to the index page, which requires loading a Java applet to navigate the site; click on "Tony's Publications" and scroll down to find this article). I've read this article before in English—it's pretty common if you're putting in "Asperger's syndrome" as your search term—and I thought it looked like something I've read just looking at the layout of the German-language version, and when you translated the title, I definitely recognized it.

It's true he apologized, but he apologized in the original post. It's as if he realized few of us would get anything out of this resource and didn't even provide any description so that those of us who don't know German can know what the link is for anyway. Most of the time apologizing is done after the fact; if you hurt someone, you apologize after hurting them. You don't say, "I'm sorry, but I'm about to hurt you accidentally."


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11 Feb 2007, 11:04 am

Wow. I'm teaching myself German right now, so that's a pretty good material for me.


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11 Feb 2007, 11:12 am


PROBABLY! It skipped some EASY words and translated one phrase in a STUPID way! Anyone that read a travel book for more than 20 minutes would have translated it "The train has left the station". And that would be CORRECT! Frankly, I was thinking about doing it all MANUALLY!


Tony TOTALLY changed his site! DOMAIN, URL, STRUCTURE! The java control is DUMB! I had to install the latest version of java, waste a lot of time, and it is BUGGY!

Thanks for the(what SHOULD be needless) direction. I found it.

BTW It IS sombering! I USED to have:

A1 (I was mistreated TOO much, so I finally stopped like 3 years ago). 8-(
A3 (I pretty much stopped by the time I was 10. Some people just can't handle the truth)
A6 (I stopped like 12 years ago, and even changed the way I talk because my last boss had a STUPID perry mason complex always looking for words to twst, etc...)

I DO match the rest though.
I guess even B4! I never thought about it, but almost every joke I know/make up is based on word meaning/similarity. I don't do coarse jokes, etc...

BTW Tony Attwood seems like a nice guy. It's a shame I'm not in Australia. 8-(


Blue Jay
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11 Feb 2007, 11:25 am

I searched for it in english and didn`t find it so I gave the link in german.

Who the f**k is Entchen!?

If you play genius, you`ll be one.

Salvador dali


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11 Feb 2007, 1:12 pm


I used Bablefish.

really wish they'd get Latin. because usually when I RP on boards, I rp was a fallen type angel or a knight. and sometimes said charry gets a prophetic vision.

I want peace for all. Simple yet elegant.


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11 Feb 2007, 1:18 pm

SteveK wrote:

Tony TOTALLY changed his site! DOMAIN, URL, STRUCTURE! The java control is DUMB! I had to install the latest version of java, waste a lot of time, and it is BUGGY!

Thanks for the(what SHOULD be needless) direction. I found it.

The reason why a direct link doesn't work is because of one little JavaScript statement near the top of the page:
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- Hide script from old browsers
if (window == top)
   top.location.href = "index.htm"
// End hiding script from old browsers -->

This simple script checks to see whether or not the page is being loaded from within a frame. If it's not (as in when the page is being accessed directly), the browser redirects to the page "index.htm", which is the page with the annoying Java applet. (In browser JavaScript, top is the object that contains all other frames; window is the object referring to the browser client area for that specific HTML page; most of the time, top and window are equivalent.)