Hitler only did what any other normal peace-loving person would have done under his same circumstances in order to free the impoverished people of the world and the oppressed German people from their bankster-controlled political-oppressors (because it was already a Zionist-controlled police-state even prior to the so-called Rise-of-Hitler). I also think that Hitler is the most lied about man in all of the entire history of the human-species.
I do recall, how-ever, before I «incarnated» into this universe, that Hitler did have a huge amount of negative karmic-debts to suffer, and that he was one of the most-hated «spirits» ever to exist where multitudes could find no reason to forgive him of anything for a full two billion years in a row, such that the amount of suffering he endured in realms-of-spirit far-exceeded that of a million crucifixions multiplied by a thousand. Eventually, Hitler did make it back into «heaven» but, not until after he was forced to endure two billions years worth of excruciating pain and suffering (I don't know what the hell he did to deserve that but out of the extremely small percentage of spirits who ever made it into the «real» heaven, Hitler was amongst the 0.000000000000000003% or so who did reach the pure-realm, whilst everybody else still walks «the wide road to hell...» quoting the words of The Messiah of course).
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