vickygleitz wrote:
I am not speaking specifically of any one thing, but several. I am one of those autists with a very strange type of memory. Anything that is extraordinarily emotionaly painful to me is stored almost like a constant memory of how I remembered it about 5 minutes after the incident. not everything painful. Pain having to do with extreme lies and betrayel. on the rare occasion that problems have been resolved, I am no longer relentlessly haunted by the pain of the cruelty committed against me or a loved one.
I don't know if I am aspie unfortunately, and I do not know if this is the same as you experience, but I do have strong emotions at times when I am hurt by the malicious actions of others and am wounded by accusations of things I either did not do or did not intend to do. I am both hurt and shocked. It plays on my mind, I can't forget the incident/s. I feel great pain when I think of them. They haunt me.
But a resolution will cure the problem and the painful feelings regarding the incident will go away. I will simply forgive, forget and move on.
When a resolution cannot be obtained I will be relentlessly plagued by my memories of said incident and the hurt I am feeling in regards to them. It;s like a form of mental torture and no I can't get over it.
PN Not all of my emotions are intense, only the most hurtful of events can trigger an intense emotional response in me, but I am quite an emotional person for someone on the spectrum, therefore it is one thing that makes me doubt I might have an ASD. Ie I can be logical but I still think things like love and romance are sweet anyway. I am a soppy bugger when I am not trying to problem solve. I like lots of cuddles but as a way of saying "i like you" rather than as a way of being comforted when I have an upsetting problem. For the problem I want solutions and/or a resolution, not a hug.