Antarctica is unacceptable due to the fact that it is too cold, and wouldn't natively support many forms of life, especially edible flora due to the general lack of arable land.
Pacific islands are also unacceptable due to the fact a limited availability of Arable land, as well as the fact that many pacific Islands are essentially active or dormant volcanoes. Reef islands are susceptible to typhoons/cyclonic storms.
New Zealand is acceptible for having a temparate climate, plenty of arable land, and a general lack of severe weather.
Ideally, I would prefer a Mediterranean climate. This would mean the mediterranean region (obviously), California, Baja California(Mexico), Chile, and western Australia.
Of these, Western Australia seems to be the least geologically active, and least prone to both existant overpopulation and natural catastrophies.
When There's No There to get to, I'm so There!