Willard wrote:
Receiving a gift is always awkward, I never know how I'm supposed to react
Actually, now I think about it, that's true of me too. It's just that I have a vaguely effective strategy when I like it (I'll say something about
why I like it), whereas when I don't, I'm completely overwhelmed and at sea.
Willard wrote:
Giving gifts I enjoy only if it's a spontaneous impulse, not a Greeting Card Holiday. The only reason for giving a gift is that it means something. If you do it because you're expected to, it's just an empty ritual.
For me, the joy of giving gifts is when I see something and think, "Ooh, X would like that". Then I'll get it for them and give it to them ASAP, no particular occasion required. "Having" to exchange gifts just leads to pointless accumulations of tat and bric-a-brac anyway.
Willard wrote:
Even thinking about it makes me uncomfortable.