StarTrekker wrote:
I discovered I had AS at the age of 17 when my mom just sort of dropped the suspicion that she'd been holding onto for the past nine years on me, but it wasn't until I was 18-19 that I finally started to do the research and see if the label fit. It does. I looked around my area (I live in the US) for a professional to diagnose me, and emailed one to inquire as to the costs. He said it would cost upwards of $2000, so I nixed the idea for a while. Now I'm persuing diagnosis again through the college I'm attending, as they offer professional services from licensed practitioners on a sliding scale. Depending on where you live (meaning whether you have to pay for the diagnosis yourself) and what you want it for, it can either be extremely worthwhile or completely pointless. If you need help or accomodation at work or with childcare that you could not receive otherwise, a diagnosis is very important. If however you have a good handle on your work and home lives and don't feel the need for assistance, and if the assessment is particularly expensive, I frankly wouldn't bother. That said, my main reason for getting properly diagnosed is that I have been unable to settle comfortably into the self-diagnosis and will only feel "right" properly labelling myself as aspie when I have the paper that tells me I am. That may be the case for you as well, in which case, there's nothing that says that can't be a valid reason for seeking a diagnosis. Welcome to WP, and good luck!
You live in America, I take it? My diagnosis cost me nothing at all, so I didn't even consider that. $2000 is utter madness. Here in Norway you pay approx $50 for each session, up until you've paid approx $300 for medical care, then you get a free card so that you don't have to pay for the rest of the year. I was inpatient when I got the diagnosis, so it wouldn't have cost me anything either way, but yeah, I'm really glad we don't have the health system that you have in America, it's terrible.