franknfurter wrote:
Anyone really hate being touched on the neck, I have no other touch problems that I am aware of but if anyone touches me on the neck I scream and fall to the floor, hah someone could really use that against me. even thinking about someone touching my neck makes me feel horrible, its the worst thing ever.
my brother acts like he is going to touch my neck just to annoy me, its scary eugh its just awful. Also can't wear turtle necks.
I can't say I hate it, since I do not do hate. I do not however like things touching my neck, or really any other parts of me. I'm highly sensitive to so much, and I do my best to deal with it. Stopped screaming and falling to the floor years ago, my father beat that out of me. But I still can't wear certain things, certainly NOT turtlenecks, even t-shirts with neck lines to close bother me. Wool bothers me, tags bother me, people I don't know touching me when I'm not prepared for it can leave me unsettled. So yeah, I have touch problems. Right now my hair is touching my neck I don't like that either, but I don't like my hair short. Which is ironic because it's in a ponytail most of the time because I cannot have it touching my ears, they turn bright red and feel like they are burning, much the same with my neck. So yes, I can relate.
ASAN: "Nothing about us, without us."
Me: "I am an autistic woman, I don't play one on TV."
"I'm written in a language even I don't understand - but I am learning."
"My weird life, just got a whole lot weirder, by becoming less weird."