alienation and acceptance
ever since i was two years old, i wanted to play with my cousins, i had 8 on the reserve i lived on to play with, they invited me to play with them, well, my sister and i, but, every time i was going to play with them, i ended up either watching or playing on my own, i didn't know how to engage in play with them, i would start to cry because i thought they didn't want to play with me, and then i started to play alone.
when school started, i made one friend, both of us were neglected by our peers and she was a new student, so we bonded and still get along to this day.
In middle school, i switched to a different school and people were attracted to me for some reason, and i had loads of friend, it was stressful though, i would meltdown often because they would all get together but they wouldn't invite me, which hurt my feelings. when i switched schools for the second time,i went to once close to a reserve, but luckily, i had my cousins to hang out with, i didn't make a good adjustment because i wasn't listening in class and again, being alienated by the other students, i had to switch a third time, i thought it would be easy to make friends again since it took little to no effort to make the friends i had. i recognized a girl i saw that went to a mutual school, i started to follow her and her friends around, everything was fine (at least from my perspective) until this girl took my hat and threw it over a fence, not being able to hold my temper, i attacked her, bit her on the arm until she bled. i was suspended, and sent to a new school (it was actually a school merge with two schools so the high school could have our building) and i was OSTRACIZED. completely shut out from everyone, i couldn't find a single person who would talk to me, better yet, they would mock me in class saying im ret*d and all that nonsense.
finally, i switched school again, i felt hopeful, because i recognized someone yet again at the new school, and everyone seemed nice, until they started teasing me, i cant remember how it started, i know it was gradual though, it was just because of how i said things, they started throwing paper, erasers and food at me during class, they would come up to me and say they wanted to punch me in the face, they said i wasn't an actual human being and made racial slurs towards me.
i was happy when i started high school because i was able to go to the same school as the friends i had made in another school, all the teachers in high school kept noticing problems with me, but i didn't really care, i was happy to be accepted by my friends. i even got a boyfriend, who didn't last long but it was nice, until a fight happened between a friend and i, now i cant remember what happened, something about a rumour and then one of my friends started Cyberbullying me, so my dad pulled me out of that school and put me in the STUPIDEST school EVER!
it was an incredible racist school near the reserve again and i had a lot of trouble fitting in there at first, i met a boy who liked me, who invited me to sit with his friends, who were cruel but pretty funny, i didn't really like being with them but i wasn't going to pass up an opportunity for friends, that was around the time i was diagnosed. of course this had to happen, this girl started to pick on me during class, she used to threaten me and take my seat in class. i wasn't really in class much though, i got into a depression and stopped attending classes.
i passed the year, just barely. the next year i went back to the school with my "FRIENDS" in it, at first, everything was fine, until they made fun of my autism, and i physically hurt one of them, and that was the end out our friendship, one by one they disappeared from my life, now, all i have left is my friend Rachel from first grade, she's a typical 16 year old but i don't mind, she doesn't mind I'm autistic either and understands where i come from.
whats your social life story?
Obsessing over Sonic the Hedgehog since 2009
Diagnosed with Aspergers' syndrome in 2012.
Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder Level 1 severity without intellectual disability and without language impairment in 2015.
I was pretty fortunate in not having a difficult time growing up with alienation and acceptance.
The only kid in my family is one cousin my age and he has always been very accepting of me.
it was difficult in that as we grew i could see how different we were.
I was kept segregated from the neighbor kids cause i was just too autistic to interact with them.
And then as far as school went i was always in a private school for developmentally disabled kids
so i had no trouble fitting in there. and there were kids with worse disabilities then me so that kept
me from feeling inferior. when I was nine this really great kid moved in next door and became really
interested in me. he's just like a natural born care giver and took me under his wing. In the 8th grade
I decided to try crossing over to regular school with my friend as my school helper buddy. It has been
kinda difficult being around so many regular kids in school. but my friend Ryan looks out for me along
with his team mates playing guardian angel. But i am definitely aware that i'm considered weird and a
"ret*d" and all that. but I still have special ed so i do still spend time around my 'own kind'. I'm nervous
about what high school holds for me.