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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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08 Jan 2014, 6:08 am

I don't know if this is the right place to be posting this, please move it along to wherever it fits in case it's not the right place. I have a few questions for fellow Finnish members of this forum diagnosed with Aspergers.

I've just recently been diagnosed with Aspergers and I've been thinking about how Finnish society faces people like us. I have family in Finland and would consider a move in case the support basis is better off than around here, where it's nearly non-existant.

I'd like to ask to those of you who have been diagnosed around there, how can one make a living having AS? Does one get access to disability for having it or is there some organization which helps with finding jobs that match people with AS? In case that organization exists, do they help with social integration as well? What else exists in terms of official support around those parts.

Is there a Finnish online community for Aspies where this could be more appropriate to discuss perhaps? Some forum, or so, that doesn't mind some posting in English for the time being? Thank you.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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08 Jan 2014, 7:22 am

From what I can understand, though I am a bit confused, you do not currently live in Finland, but you are Finnish and have Family there. Am I correct?


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08 Jan 2014, 8:28 am

I live in Helsinki, Finland. I'm still a student, so don't really know that much of the work thing, but in the employment office there are people trained to work with special needs clients. Access to services..well it depends on where in Finland you are. Here in Helsinki, there is an autism recource center, where you can meet coaches, psychologists, people who help you find a job etc. You get there through the disabled people's social service. There are a few online communities like Here in Helsinki, we have live support groups every weekend.


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08 Jan 2014, 8:49 am

The support basis is called the Finnish culture. You shouldn't have a problem.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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09 Jan 2014, 2:40 am

^ If only that would be enough :P

@Trontine: What confused you? I am not Finnish but have family in Finland.

@Heidi80: I will be moving to Helsinki if this is to happen. Is there a website for that autism resource center that you talk about? I'd like to get in touch with them. I'm not sure what you meant with "getting there through the disabled people's social service" though...can you explain that better, please? Had a look at the forum, too bad there's not an English section for foreigners in Finland with AS, but probably I'll venture into posting in case I need more detailed information. So thanks. How are the support groups like? (maybe you can tell from own experience?)