How autistic are you in fact? (self-made test)

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What is your score? (Score = Add the 5 numbers you gave as answers)
4-5 17%  17%  [ 10 ]
6-10 15%  15%  [ 9 ]
11-15 15%  15%  [ 9 ]
16-20 10%  10%  [ 6 ]
21-25 2%  2%  [ 1 ]
26-30 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
31-35 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
36-40 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
41-45 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
46-50 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
3-3 2%  2%  [ 1 ]
2-2 3%  3%  [ 2 ]
1-1 2%  2%  [ 1 ]
0-0 35%  35%  [ 21 ]
Total votes : 60


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05 Jan 2014, 4:54 pm

Hi everybody. This is only a self-made test, I have no scientific evidence for validation of the test. But I hope you choose to "play along" anyway. I consider this an experiment.

You simply have to give your opinion on 5 statements with a ranking from 0 to 10.

0 means "I do not agree at all"

5 means "I neither agree, nor disagree"

10 means "I fully agree"

1-4 and 6-9 are meant to give more nuanced answers, i.e. 3 meaning something like "I slightly disagree".

The statements are:

1. "A socially high-ranked person (powerful, good looks, rich, popular, capable, funny, charismatic etc.) is worth more and so should be treated better than a socially low-ranked person (unpowerful, bad looks, poor, unpopular, incapable, unfunny, not charismatic etc.)."

2. "Whether I like a person is more based on his social status (powerful, good looks, rich, popular, capable, funny, charismatic etc.) than on how well he treats me."

3. "Usually, I consider my group-belonging very important - rather a group that treats me badly than no group at all!"

4. "I would rather be able to receive help to deal with my problems with the risk of being bullied than deal with all my problems on my own."

5. "Usually, I do not care very much about my integrity/being independent of others."

When you have answered with 5 numbers you add them together. The result of the addition is your score.

My prophecy is that these statements hit spot on enough for you to disagree quite strongly with them! Let the poll and experiment begin!


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05 Jan 2014, 5:03 pm

My total score: 4

Mildly autistic WrongPlanet Member, teenage boy, and screen time lover extraordinaire. PM me if you want!


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05 Jan 2014, 5:13 pm

qawer, I like you, but I have to skip on taking the test.

The statements are phrased in such a way that not only would most autistics attach low scores to each statement, but so would most non-autistics.

"rather a group that treats me badly"? "I don't care for my integrity or independence"? Even people who are more inclined to find themselves in the company of a peer group, will say 'I don't agree' to these statements in general, and will therefore get a relatively low score. I guess it's only the very, very herd-minded insecure people who will assign more than 5 points to any of the statements.

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05 Jan 2014, 5:18 pm

I scored 15

I agree fully with getting help from others If need it, and I neither disagree or agree with the last question and I completely disagree with the rest


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05 Jan 2014, 5:21 pm

If I am completely honest I would get around 10. It is my impression that many neurotypicals who follow (or pose as) the "individualist with egalitarian and high moral values" model (the Clint Eastwood / "lonely cowboy" archetype) would come up as autistic with this test.

Interestingly enough, you could argue that this is an autistic archetype and actually have a point, which is weird if you consider it is seen as a role model and the pinnacle of personal freedom by so many people who would despise autists.

As for the test itself, I think many people would have a problem answering honestly to some questions. Many people wouldn't admit that "group-belonging is very important" (= that they are sheep) or that they "treat people based on their social status" (= that they are merely pawns in a political power game) even if they behave exactly in that fashion. Nonetheless, I think it is a good idea to try to characterize autism in a more positive way :)


A bit obsessed with vocabulary, semantics and using the right words. Sorry if it is a concern. It's the way I think, I am not hair-splitting or attacking you.

Last edited by ouroborosUK on 05 Jan 2014, 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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05 Jan 2014, 5:22 pm

This thread has been brought to you by the letter Z (that's Zee in America & Zed in Canada), the number 1234567890 AND the manifestation of qawer's black & white autistic thinking. :D

I'm with CyclopSummers. The questions are too loaded to be of any real use as a survey. This is one of the most common mistakes survey question writers make when developing a survey to gather info about anything, and is not necessarily an autistic fault at all.

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05 Jan 2014, 5:23 pm

CyclopsSummers wrote:
qawer, I like you, but I have to skip on taking the test.

The statements are phrased in such a way that not only would most autistics attach low scores to each statement, but so would most non-autistics.

"rather a group that treats me badly"? "I don't care for my integrity or independence"? Even people who are more inclined to find themselves in the company of a peer group, will say 'I don't agree' to these statements in general, and will therefore get a relatively low score. I guess it's only the very, very herd-minded insecure people who will assign more than 5 points to any of the statements.

the 4th one is one that people could score highly on, its not fair saying that only very insecure people would score more than 5 points.


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05 Jan 2014, 5:29 pm

The people who are mostly likely to answer yes to these questions probably lack the self-awareness to answer them honestly and accurately. The way you have phrased the statements makes them sound negative. People will pick up on the negativity, refuse to associate themselves with something negative even if it's true OR not be able to see the negatives in themselves, and give inaccurate responses.

Last edited by starkid on 05 Jan 2014, 5:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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05 Jan 2014, 5:30 pm

starkid wrote:
The people who are mostly likely to answer yes to these questions probably lack the self-awareness to answer them honestly and accurately.

That is a good point!

To my luck, they likely do not appear on this board :D :wink:

But you are right, many people will probably not on such a test admit to what they actually do in social situations.

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05 Jan 2014, 5:33 pm



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05 Jan 2014, 6:13 pm

i scored 0; i do not agree with any of the statements.

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05 Jan 2014, 6:22 pm

I scored a 0

I don't agree with any of those statements.


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05 Jan 2014, 6:29 pm

1. "A socially high-ranked person (powerful, good looks, rich, popular, capable, funny, charismatic etc.) is worth more and so should be treated better than a socially low-ranked person (unpowerful, bad looks, poor, unpopular, incapable, unfunny, not charismatic etc.)."

No, a socially high ranked person is not more important. People are people regardless of social status. I find the belief that someone with social status is more important offensive.

2. "Whether I like a person is more based on his social status (powerful, good looks, rich, popular, capable, funny, charismatic etc.) than on how well he treats me."

Makes no difference to me. I do not care about this. I care only if we share interests, have something to talk about, have a similar outlook on life and whether or not I enjoy their company or find them funny. Socials status means absolutely nothing to me.

3. "Usually, I consider my group-belonging very important - rather a group that treats me badly than no group at all!"

I do not like hanging around in groups. I prefer one on one interactions when I am not tootling around on my own.

4. "I would rather be able to receive help to deal with my problems with the risk of being bullied than deal with all my problems on my own."

Not a chance, I like to solve what I can myself at the best of times. If there is risk of being bullied I will go it alone. Hence why I am now reconsidering my stance on socialising after recent social events. The only thing that concerns me about being a loner is that I want to train to be a piano teacher and don't want peoples ignorant gossip ruining my chances of doing that. All the same I feel I may be better off focusing on my piano practice and travels and giving social interaction a miss when possible.

5. "Usually, I do not care very much about my integrity/being independent of others."

I nearly always prefer to be independent of others...but a little company for congenial fun and laughs is sometimes welcome.

Last edited by bumble on 05 Jan 2014, 6:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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05 Jan 2014, 6:33 pm

starkid wrote:
The people who are mostly likely to answer yes to these questions probably lack the self-awareness to answer them honestly and accurately. The way you have phrased the statements makes them sound negative. People will pick up on the negativity, refuse to associate themselves with something negative even if it's true OR not be able to see the negatives in themselves, and give inaccurate responses.

I won't ...I'd rather be honest even if it seems to make the world uncomfortable.

it is supposed to be negative to admit that you are lonely but I will openly admit it. I am sometimes lonely for the love of a lover to cuddle and enjoy laughs and intimacy with. To kiss as well (kissing is lovely isn't it?). But it can't just be any lover, it must be someone I share a connection with.

I'd like to question the concept of negativity...

What is negativity exaclty?
Is it culturally defined, personally defined or universal?
Are things that appear negative really negative or is that just the way they are being interpreted or perceived?
What is negative when it comes to objective reality (and im not talking about chemistry and electrons or ions etc).

I feel compelled to ask these things, sorry.


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05 Jan 2014, 6:55 pm

The questions are too generalized and loaded to give any sort of data. You also lump all sorts of things together which have no reason to be lumped together.


qawer wrote:

1. "A socially high-ranked person (powerful, good looks, rich, popular, capable, funny, charismatic etc.) is worth more and so should be treated better than a socially low-ranked person (unpowerful, bad looks, poor, unpopular, incapable, unfunny, not charismatic etc.)."

"Worth more" needs parameters. Worth more as an employee? In which job? Worth more as a friend to me.? Worth more as a networking ally? Worth more as a name to name drop? With no parameters on worth, this question can't be answered.

]2. "Whether I like a person is more based on his social status (powerful, good looks, rich, popular, capable, funny, charismatic etc.) than on how well he treats me."

This question comes bundled with the assumption that there are people who like somebody who mistreats them. Well, there are or else submissives wouldn't exist for S&M nor would certain very submissive people (in a non-sexual sense). But it looks like you are trying to brand disliking people who mistreat you as being an autistic trait. I prefer the company of people who treat me well but nevertheless I can't answer your question. Why not? Because you've made a false dichotomy. I greatly love the company of people who are funny but nevertheless I wouldn't want to be around funny people who mistreated me. But I also wouldn't want to be around gloomy, dreary people who treated me politely. Luckily there are so many nice and funny people that I don't have to choose.

3. "Usually, I consider my group-belonging very important - rather a group that treats me badly than no group at all!"

I'd rather be on my own than be mistreated. I must be autistic. But in a life-or-death situation where I had to tolerate bullying to belong to a group for survival purposes (prison? zombie apocalypse?) I'd choose surviving with the meanies rather than dying alone. So I must be NT.

4. "I would rather be able to receive help to deal with my problems with the risk of being bullied than deal with all my problems on my own."

I'm not sure what to make of this question. It doesn't address any situation I have dealt with. I'd like help but I wouldn't turn to the people most likely to bully me for help. I guess it makes me NT if I can fathom getting help from non-bullies.

5. "Usually, I do not care very much about my integrity/being independent of others."

I care about my integrity and independence. That doesn't mean I never want connections to others. Um....5?

My prophecy is that these statements hit spot on enough for you to disagree quite strongly with them! Let the poll and experiment begin!

I disagree quite strongly with them and I'm NT. Cyclops Summers predicted that pretty easily.

Last edited by Janissy on 05 Jan 2014, 6:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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05 Jan 2014, 6:56 pm


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