Yes, this seems to describe me. I know to some extent, NTs feel a similar thing in that they, or anyone, can look back at time which has passed and feel that it went by so fast, because when something is in your rear view mirror in life, it's no longer much of a thought, so of course it feels like it just flew by very fast. I know when I was like 20, I could not even really picture being 25 or something, it seemed like it was ages away, now I am 27 and feel like my 20s got stolen from me by some evil time gremlin or something. I understand everyone feels this way to some extent.
However, on top of this common feeling, I feel like just, present time goes by fast, I get lost so easily in thought, I can waste an hour and not even realize it. Like, literally, I start running an internal dialogue or something or thinking about things, then suddenly it is 1 or 2 hours later and I don't know what happened. This has happened to me in various jobs and in classes both in high school and college, I feel that this problem of having time "disappear" from me has caused a lot of problems for my life, as such I have been fired from many jobs and struggled a lot to keep up socially with my peers, so imagine this on top of other typical aspie traits and it's just a recipe for disaster for a young person in their 20s. Your 20s are intended to be used to build a portfolio or learn about investments or network with colleagues, I have been able to do none of these things and time won't wait for me to figure anything out.
I feel that as a transgendered woman, I have made strides with my transition though, scraping money for hormones and a surgery and now, a second upcoming surgery, but focusing on all this has made my professional/work life very miniscule. I know they say people going back to school in their 30s and even 40s is common these days, but even at 27 I feel scared of being an "older" student and having to socialize with 18 year olds and stuff in my classes, it feels like it would be even more hard than my past college experiences.
Sometimes I just wish I'd take a blow to the head and get some kind of prodigal awesome ability. On the Science Channel I was watching a special about a man who had a brain problem and just woke up in the hospital after having a burst blood vessel and, instead of dying, he was instantly a musical and artistic prodigy, with the hefty downside that his hearing was getting worse as a result and his need to play music was literally insatiable, but at least he had something special, I often feel like I am capable of a lot, but incapable of achieving things with my intelligence and lust for knowledge, it seems the smaller stumbling blocks in life continue to beat me down.