I WISH they were! I WAS happy to see so many AS people here listing IQs in the 130-160 range! I don't put much faith in any TEST to test something as nebulous as intelligence. My IQ is certainly in that range though. People have called me STUPID, and a GENIOUS in the same day! Sometimes in the same paragraph, sometimes even the same PERSON! Luckily, few call me stupid today for anything anyone could take seriously. The last person I remember saying that was about 6 years ago because I didn't have to, and didn't, wear a coat in the cold.
Still, people I respect, if I find out their IQ, generally have an IQ around 130+.
That has only happened about 4 times though, because I don't like tests or have faith in them, and I don't ask people about their IQs.
BTW some here have even COMPLAINED because their IQ wasn't that high. But HEY! If your parents are good caring white collar engineers, you have a better chance of having a high IQ(EVEN if your biological parents were blue collar trash collectors!)! If your parents are careless blue collar trashcollectors, you have a better chance of being having a low IQ(EVEN if your biological parents were geniuses!)! In either case, your non biological parents don't have THAT much of an effect on your POTENTIAL.
So where do I fit in that scenario? I was born to white collar parents. One a careless whitecollar insurance salesman(One that was VERY bad by the way, but would soon become a programmer sales person for IBM and leave), and one a somewhat caring whitecollar accountant. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being best and 5 being average, I might rank it a 7 overall, but maybe a 4 for a whitecollar white californian family at the time. I guess I lucked out. I give credit for any knowledge I have to a somewhat satiated curiousity, and complex "hobbies". And my early tenacity. At this point, it looks like all of those are AS symptoms!(Well, the "hobbies" could be simpler with AS) Still, out of maybe 6 people I really respected, perhaps 3 were ones that lived a leave it to beaver type life, had TWO engineers as parents, and were strong in math!