GivePeaceAChance wrote:
I know I would be good at it & also for smell so doing perfume or the like
but I can't take the job since it involves experiencing things I would hate far too often, I can sense things at way lower levels than other people can ,but most are way too unpleasant, so I would end up hating my job - I would rather to something that was pleasing to me, which I have never found, jobs require being around people
Oohhhh perfume, that's also a good idea.
And I don't think you would taste something you hate that often. Food scientists work really hard at perfecting a product before it even gets to the taste testing part. Plus, you can test foods you like, like you can choose you want to test pizza or fries or gummy bear flavors. Whatever you like, you can pick. I use to eat the prototype gum used on taste testers as a kid at my parents work (my parents work in the food industry). It always tasted yummy and they'd send me home with bags full.