JSBACHlover wrote:
My I.Q. is 160-170, and my memory is like peeling plaster; my attention is highly selective; and I doubt I shall make any advancements in mathematics, physics, the arts, etc. I am just a man among man.
Moreover, no man, nor any faculty of man, can be reduced to a number. For man is a substance whose complexity can best be ascertained by the accident of quality, and not like the lesser creatures, reducible to a biology of quantity.
Only Satan, 666, is a number! The rest of us are defined by having a name. Think about it.
"I am not a number! I am a free man!" -- The Prisoner, Patrick McGoohan
Yes, very true. Plus IQ tests are so dependent on a variety of variables that they can't really considered to be truly objective. The food you eat, the sleep you have gotten the previous day, your current mental state- all of these things have a considerable impact on how you are going to perform on such tests. Also, it tends to not take into account the ability to think in a creative way. It seems that, although people like Einstein had exceptionally high IQ's and were able to think extremely logically, there was also a creative, chaotic and playful nature to their thoughts that enabled them to make the breakthroughs they did. Maybe not though. Also, it seems as if IQ tests are the kinds of tests you could be come good at if you practiced them enough.