SteelMaiden wrote:
I see patterns, geometric shapes and numbers.....
JSBACHlover wrote:
You see numbers? Actually see them...
This may be getting a little bit away from the OP, but I think it's related. Not sure how to phrase my question: How to you conceptualize things?
For example, in a holiday conversation with my extended family, my niece asked: How do you visualilze the days of the week?
Some said they see them in a straight line, like on a calendar. Some said they see them in a circle, with the end of the week merging into the beginning of the next. I never really put it into words before this conversation, but I'm with the circle people, and I have two imaginary fingers on my left hand for Saturday and Sunday, so I can count the days on my fingers.
As for numbers, I imagine a grid or something. If you ask me what's 6 x 8, I'll see a bunch of squares in six rows and eight columns. I never had much use for memorization of the multiplication tables, which is hard and useless. I knew the answer because I could "see" it.