I'm only 23. I have an excellent long term memory, but my short term is horrible. My memory has been getting worse in the last few years. I forget things almost instantly. If my husband talks to me, I listen to what he's saying but it's like it goes in my head and disappears. It's the same with reading, I sometimes have to read the same sentence 10-20 times before I can comprehend what I'm reading. Sometimes when people talk to me, even if I pay very close attention, the words go in my head but I can comprehend what they're saying. I can't picture anything in my head. I know that when I learn things, the knowledge is stored up there in my mind, but I don't know how to access it. Oh, and my mind goes blank in mid sentence ALL THE TIME. I don't think it has anything to do with social anxiety, because this even happens when talking to my husband, who I'm completely comfortably around. I'm worried that it might be something more.
Does anyone else experience this? Is it normal?