octopus123 wrote:
"try and help her get a diagnosis"
"go to a psychologist"
-we cannot afford to pay for that, if there is a such thing as a free clinic for diagnosing that, then sure I'd bring her.
I am positive that she doesn't have it because she is... "normal".. There is no thing that would make me think that she has aspergers/autism.
She was an easy kid to raise, everybody seemed drawn to her and liked her, when she was little she hardly needed anything -she would entertain and play by herself quietly for hours on her own.
She is a picky eatet, but what kid isn't?
Is there any behaviors that stick out that I should watch for?
(even though she is convinced that she has aspergers, she didn't start acting differently or start any new behaviors. - my friends kid was convinced that he had some syndrome, and thought that it was an excuse to act however he pleased...)
Some children with asd are easy to raise, because they are very quiet and not demanding parents' attention and play by themselves for hours at a time.
I think that you should take your daughter seriously on this issue and find out why she thinks she has asd and what are her thoughts that may or may not match how you think she thinks.
Drain and plane and grain and blain your brain, and then again,
Propane and butane out of the gas main, your blain shall sustain!