Deep Down
Not a day goes by when not being around other people, much less connect to them verbally do I get jealous which can manifest into anger but the anger of course is not of the loud, explosive type, though that rarely happens but of the type that is silent and of the inside but with the qualities of anger, nonetheless . The fact that being around NTs has always been a weakness for me, depressing but not surprising given my Asperger's but I feel angry at times and I don't seem to have any good way of expressing it much less face any consequences and given the fact that now that I've applied for a job in which I'm expecting a phone call that is taking so long, there is no guarantee that I might get it considering that it was a job that I greatly desire.
Still I think jealousy of NTs has similarities to anger of the kind I'm expressing and also of the fact that most of you could relate to this experience.