leafplant wrote:
Sharkbait wrote:
I'm an Aspie, man. How else would I answer that question?
I guess I could have thrown in the L2/3 switching aspect but... meh. He'll figure that bit out on his own. I'd even bet on it being sooner rather than later.
Indeed. although, he asked you what Cisco router was instead of googling it, so ..you know..I'd give him between 12-15 years of age and an inability to fully comprehend the meaning behind the
industry's most comprehensive suite of routing protocols.
Anyway, I thought your answer was cute, just take the compliment and shuddup

You know, it was around 3 AM in the night and I hadn't slept for two days. I have a general idea of what a Cisco router is used for, ASN announcements, BGP advertising, multi-homing, etc. It is used to announce the subnets to the individual peers as well. But that is the limit of my knowledge about Cisco routers. Yes, I am 16, hence I have never used a Cisco router in my life. I'm still learning you know, and I haven't even started learning about routing, as currently I am more focused on getting my IPv4 allocations, once I get a /24 from a broker, I will have to look into routing and ASN announcements, and then I'll learn more about Cisco routers. And yes I just figured out the Layer 2 and 3 switching aspects of it.