RandyM wrote:
To see if I could my Social Anxiety taken care of as well most of my self confidence as well. Hopefully this will get a few of the issues causing both sorted and dealt with over time.
In my experience, therapy in itself "solves" nothing, unless the only thing you need to solve things is to discuss your problems with an intelligent person. But if your therapist is good it can immensely helps you understand some things in the way you work and therefore help you solve your problems quicker. I also find the feeling of engagement in a structured process helps (suddenly you're not just one person alone trying to solve your problems, you are engaged in a structured process to fix things which involve regular meetings with another human being who is also involved in it, although differently).
I hope your therapy helps
A bit obsessed with vocabulary, semantics and using the right words. Sorry if it is a concern. It's the way I think, I am not hair-splitting or attacking you.