I've noticed that, like most people, the way my voice sounds to myself is different than what other people perceive it as. Unlike most people however, I have almost no idea how I really sound when I am speaking, or how I can change it so that it sounds a certain way. Naturally, this not only means that I have a hard time controlling the tone of my voice, but also that I am unable to really imitate accents or voices. This may not seem like a big deal in day to day life, but when I'm talking to random people, sometimes they get put off by my tone, and sometimes when I joke around with my friends (something I've always had a hard time doing regardless, as it mainly seems to be an NT thing to do), my inability to imitate accents and such makes it even harder for me to "keep up". As well, whenever I try to sing along to music, I just sound terrible, or at least I think I do.
Last edited by mr_bigmouth_502 on 28 Jan 2014, 4:44 am, edited 1 time in total.