corvuscorax wrote:
I've considered it. Now that I'm at a job that *doesn't suck* I might actually have the funds to participate in it. I have to make sure my insurance will cover it though - I will be going on the company insurance and seeing how that goes >.>
It is painful for me to walk and I have a short achilles tendon due to the habit. I've always walked like this. I can stand on my feet but it is extremely difficult to walk on them.
Tendons can be stretched. It will take time.
I don't know what you mean by women's work shoes. If anything women's shoes that tend to have higher heels are better for people with short Achilles tendons. But I suppose that means you'll end up putting more weight on your heel when you walk?
Not autistic, I think
Prone to depression
Have celiac disease
Poor motivation