Doctor Doesn't Think I Have Aspeger's, but I think otherwise
I went to a doctor who isnt my usually my doctortor. I never been to this doctor before in my life.
But, anyways, I told her about my concern about having Aspeger's because I seemed social? She basically made it sound like people with it don't talk.
I haven't started any small talk with this lady, and the only reason why I was talking to her was because she's my doctor, of course I'd have to tell her about my problems I'm having, mental or physical.
I took several test, but my scores change a lot. I'm starting to get more NT scores when I started out with AS scores.
I'm wondering if this has to do with the fact I have a boyfriend. I answer a lot of questions based on him. Like spending my time with someone, not minding someone touching me, etc.
I have a lot of Aspeger's traits for example (from what I read):
Problem with noises, when I was younger it was when you could hear people eat or chew gum. It's the same now but it seems worse, not I also hate sounds of plates scarping. Hearing these noises make me upset and freak out. It makes extremely hostile like I want to cry. My dad's such a gross slob and pig. I'm thinking about the noises now, it's mostly noises from him. It makes me extremely angry. I feel like freaking out right now as I talk about it!! !!
I'm a picky eater. My eating as gotten worse. I'm paranoid over food. I refuse to eat anything with unfamiliar ingredients. I always order pizza or a burger or a hotdog. I keep my food extremely plain. I will go without eating just because I'm so picky. My mom and dad would have to go to certain fast food places to eat, spend extra money, or make my food a certain way just to get me to eat.
I can't tie my shoes. Well I can, but they don't stay tied. My parents make comments about my shoe laces, sometimes I don't care to tie them. I just decide to wear high heels instead.
I've been told I'm blunt. My cousins would talk to me and laugh as if I was some sort of entertainment for them. Like they would ask me random stuff and laugh at my answers.
I never really fallen into peer pressure.
I have bad hygiene. I only shower or brush my teeth when I go out.
I don't wear socks. I prefer going bare foot. My mom says when I was little I would even take my shoes and socks off in the car. I think this may have to do with a sensory issue.
I walk on my tip toes...
I have terrible hand writing.
I get some sarcasm. At the same time, I also think things too literally. My mom always tells me I have to stop taking everything so literal. My boyfriend and I get into arguments because I take things he says literally.
Like for example, in his mind saying, "I probably did." Means yes. In my mind it means there's a chance he didn't do whatever he said he did.
I really like people to be specific. Or when he texts me and doesn't necessary punctuation I take it literally.
Like the whole "let's eat Grandma" vs "let's eat, Grandma" rhing. Him mixing up your and you're I don't mind, but it's just when punctuation is REALLY needed in a certain sentence he writes.
I'm no Grammar Nazi, but I seem to take things very literal.
Before I became homeschooled, I never liked playing tag, or any games like that, I HATED IT, I would dread having to play those games. I usually would just sit on a bench and talk to my friends.
At school I always dressed different and wore mismatched clothing. I was obsessed with cats as well. Kids would make fun of me for this, but I didn't think of the "bullying" as a huge deal, I kept dressing the same, and acting the same. Some times I think I was completely oblivious to some of it.
The crowd I hung out with in middle school was known as "rejects" popular girls tried befriending me, but for some reason I couldn't and didn't show much interests into starting a friendship with them.
I heard sometimes people with AS ignore doing other things when they are distracted. I don't shower, brush my teeth, eat, or use the bathroom when I'm distracted with something, I tend to ignore responsibilites.
I'm very disorganized. My room is a mess.
My mom tends to say I over analyze things. Which I do. I take something someone says and over thing what they are saying to fully understand it.
I've been told I go on and on about something and become obsessive over topics by both my parents. (Here's another example, I realize I wrote this sentence wrong. If someone else wrote this sentence I would think that the person becomes obsessive over topics that are literally BY their parents.)
After being home schooled I noticed my problems even more so. I don't know if being home schooled made it worse, or if I'm noticing my problems while I'm alone.
After I started going to a place a worship where the people are extremely friendly and hug you a lot, I've come to realize that I HATED hugs. Also that I SUCKED at small talk. Talking to someone is like pulling teeth.
On the test, I put that I liked small talk, because I didn't hate it. I put I slightly agreed as my answer. I just hate the awkwardness that comes with it and avoid small talk.
I also put on the AS test that I somewhat like meeting new people. When I meet new people, I get extremely awkward. I say weird stuff. I don't know if this is because I've become homeschooled and away from other kids, or if I've gotten to know myself better being alone more. I put that I somewhat liked it because of the possibility that someday I may actually meet a friend.
Now if I'm talking about something I like, I can go on FOR DAYS.
I also noticed, that I don't really care about asking people how their day was, or them asking me about mine. I figure, if it's that bad, then you would say something. My boyfriend hates the fact I forget the ask him and never do.
To be honest, sometimes I don't care about taking a personal interest in people, I just act like it because it seems like the right thing to do.
I don't know if it was like this before being home schooled, but I can't make emotional connections well, in some ways I can, but some I cant. I can't seem to take a personal interest in people. I think I'm caring, but just in different ways.
My boyfriend came to me with a problem. Instead of spending a lot of time to console him, I came up with a solution to fix the problem.
While going to school and after leaving school to be homeschooled, sometimes I'd purposely avoid random people so I wouldn't have to say hi. I wouldn't make eye contact, in hopes that they'd think I haven't seen them.
After being homeschooled, in my place of worship it's so hard for me just to walk up and say hi to someone. It's so hard. It's like telling a person with no legs to try to walk . Even during school. I think this is because I don't know anyone. In school I usually made friends from friends I met in elementary school.
I answered that I like meeting new people because I want to like it. I want to find a friend. But I can't meet new people. I can't walk up to someone and say "hi." When it comes to meeting knew people and trying to visit different places of worship, and I see kids my age there... well I cant talk at all.
Meeting my parents friends I tend to act formal and serious. I act so weird and awkward.
I can only seem to let loose meeting people online. And even THEN I can't make friends, esp walking up to a group of people on an mmo. But I meet so many people online who randomly stop talking to me! The only people who don't are people who are labeled "odd" themselves, which I don't mind, but there's just so many times people stopped talking to me and forget about me. It's insane.
Before and after being homeschooled I noticed that I'd imitate things on TV. I heard that girls with AS tend to do this. I'd act like random characters on television. I'd talk like them in my head even, and so on.
I think I also can't realize what I mostly did in school socially, is because I don't pick up on things that's socially appropriate, until YEARS later. Like some years back I told a guy that while we watched TV at school, I noticed he covered his face during acne commercials. I said this assuring him everyone gets it and to comfort him. Years later, now, in present time, I realize how offensive that is!! !
I'm very honest. I'd get upset when people don't follow rules.
I think of unconventional ways to solve problems.
I was always obsessed with virtual world gaming. Finding the perfect game that was similar to real life. Like a mmo. I'd be so amazed over what you could do with some games. I'd be amazed with the fact you could eat on habbo. XD Or the fact you can sit in furniture. Simple things like that.
I don't know what to do or who to go to to see about this. The doctors here are bad. I don't want to be misdiagnosed. I heard girls tend to slip under the radar. But if I don't have AS and get diagnosed with it, I don't want that to happen either.
Does this sound like Aspeger's Syndrome?
I seriously don't know how to go about taking any quizzes. It's like my boyfriend and wants for things effect my quiz.
To be honest, I'd like an answer or something to be wrong because I want to know why I'm this way! Why I feel so frustrated talking to people at times. Maybe this is all in my head? I dunno...
Thanks to anyone who read this whole thing. Sorry about any errors! I'm typing on a tablet and I'm extremely tired. It's mostly this dang tablet. I can't type on this thing at all.
A few more traits I forgot to mention.
If someone touches me a certain way. I get very hostile and upset. I get mad thinking about it. Light touch bothers me.
Just thinking of it is getting me really upset all over again.
If my parents touch me to annoy me I have to leave the room and be alone for a bit. I noticed that I've been going to my room to be alone in an inclosed space a lot lately.
I don't remembered when me becoming hostile when I get touched started. I get kind of paranoid thinking about this, because what if self consciously I only get mad when touched a certain way then leaving to be alone someone where, because I read about it being an Aspeger's trait?
I always accuse myself of the worst and don't even know my own motives or feelings at time!
I doubt that I'm getting angry because of it. I think I was already going to a quiet room BEFORE I found out people with AS do that to calm themselves down from sensory problems. If I did already know about it, I don't think I noticed it as a trait as much. I noticed it more now because I read more about Aspeger's.
I don't think I can get mad about that because of something I read, can I?
When I'm touched a certain way it truly upsets me. It's just hard for me to remember if I act that way before finding out the traits. I think I might of. All I know now, is that it gets me so mad and angry and upset. I go nuts. I have to leave the room if my mom touches my feet to bother me. It passes me off so much. I have to leave to calm down. I'm seriously thinking I did this before I REALLY got into my research.
The REAL tests would help reveal this all, right?
Idk if this is a trait. Also I noticed with my boyfriend. When he sends me extremely sweet stuff I sometimes have no feeling or emotion to it. It's usually when I am not prepared to get emotional. I tend to get no feeling and react to it oddly. Even telling him I'm in love with him. I know I am by my actions.but it's hard for me to feel and understand love. It's really confusing. I only know I do love him by how I act. I tend to act really weird when it comes to showing affection and loving people.
I also do like collecting a lot of information on things I have an interest in. In my eyes its like the more information, the better! I like reading long detailed explanations.
I like giving them too when people asks me for information on a subject I like...
Can Aspeger's symptoms get worse while you are away from any interactions with people?
Last edited by epicfailchelle on 25 Jan 2014, 10:32 am, edited 3 times in total.
The problem with quizzes is that the questions tend to be a bit over generalised and don't take into account that things can vary depending on specifics. Ie I enjoy the company of a lover but am not overly bothered about friendships or having company outside of that (I sometimes think having a close friend would be nice but I won't be heart broken if that never happens...I'd be more upset if I never had a sexual partner again, which knowing my luck lately, I probably won't).
On saying that I don't know if I have Asperger's myself. My scores are fairly consistent on the tests (give or take a few points here and there) and are always on the Aspie side of things (not NT, I don't think any of the tests I have taken has scored me as an NT) and my therapist thinks I may have it as did a support worker I had a few years ago. I don't have a formal diagnosis though.
It can be hard to tell if symptoms are a part of an ASD or another disorder.
My formal diagnosis is social anxiety, this does not fit me all that well though and although I get some nervousness when socialising with strangers in certain contexts I am never going to be a social butterfly even if the nervousness was solved, I simply don't enjoy the act of socialising that much.
PN I like socialising a little bit, sometimes, here and there with people I like (and whom like me too) but tend to have no interest in interacting with strangers once I have my little group of favourites in place (which I am lacking at the moment as I don't have any friends except the occasional contact that pops up on skype or facebook when I had it...but as I only had 2 contacts on there and everyone else had like a 100 or more I closed it. I only post obsessively about my latest interest or keep posting funny cat pics to avoid constantly posting about my interests anyway. No one reads my page so there isn't really much point in having it. Plus when people do message me on there I can't keep up with all the social chit chat and get stressed out so all in all I decided facebook was not for me). I also tend to need a lot of alone time so will keep buggering off somewhere on my own. I don't get on well with very social people, they feel a bit neglected around me, although I don't mean them to, I just can't keep up with them is all.
Hope you find the answers you seek. May be worth getting a second opinion.
Joined: 24 May 2011
Age: 28
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It certainly sounds like you have more than a few Asperger's traits, but of course, there are other possibilities aside from AS, and could ALSO be comorbid with AS, such as ADHD.
Did you ask why exactly the doctor disagreed with the AS diagnosis? That might help. I don't think any competent clinician would fail to understand that people with Asperger's do talk and can be social. Also, showing her this post might help with her clinical judgement.
I did not get an official "paper" diagnosis because at that time, I did not appear to be suffering major problems because of Asperger's. (But I do now and I did before)
This could also be a reason.
I hope this helps?
Will be off the internet for some time. I'm challenging myself to stop any unnecessary Internet activity. Just to let you know...
I can agree on that. Every question that is scored NT for me as a reason behind it.
Like I like meeting people.
But when I'm asked if I want to meet others. I tend to not want to. Or act awkward. I tend to want to leave any social gathering my parents force me to. I always think I'll like something. But when I go I want to leave ASAP.
Or my place of worship. I'd always want to leave as soon as the meeting was over. I don't want to talk or anything. I just wanna run outta there.
When I'm messaged more than once I feel a bit over whelmed. Like I have to answer messages just to answer them. To get them out of the way as a task or chore. To just hurry up and get it over with. Am I putting any thought and feeling in my response? No. I just think of something that sounds like a good response, something that most people would say and move on.
No. I didn't ask. She basically said that it was because they are shy and don't say anything really. Then she randomly asked if I was born early... (I was.) It was a doctor I never knew.
I'm starting to think that maybe it was how I looked, or based on a stereotype that people with aspegers don't say anything...
I remember a lady was telling a relative of mine that she never would of guessed I was "shy" because I looked "pretty" and dressed "nice." She continued to say how she thought I'd be a "social butterfly." HAHA.
I can agree on that. Every question that is scored NT for me as a reason behind it.
Like I like meeting people.
But when I'm asked if I want to meet others. I tend to not want to. Or act awkward. I tend to want to leave any social gathering my parents force me to. I always think I'll like something. But when I go I want to leave ASAP.
Or my place of worship. I'd always want to leave as soon as the meeting was over. I don't want to talk or anything. I just wanna run outta there.
When I'm messaged more than once I feel a bit over whelmed. Like I have to answer messages just to answer them. To get them out of the way as a task or chore. To just hurry up and get it over with. Am I putting any thought and feeling in my response? No. I just think of something that sounds like a good response, something that most people would say and move on.
I feel exactly how you describe there as well; something in my head sounds/feels like I would want to do it but in practice it's the complete opposite.
I read your whole original post and no I don't think it's inside your head. If what you have said is true then you have very good reason to believe that you are on the spectrum (at least in my opinion). Feeling frustrated at people is 'normal', but likely to be far more frequent if you are on the spectrum, as obviously you would have difficulties understanding/interpreting others and have different interests. I can't be bothered with a wall of text this time, so I hope you get my point - go to a better doctor! XD
Unapologetically, Norny.
-chronically drunk
I seem to get worse when I have a cold or been on holiday, so yes I think that being away from people for any period of time makes Asperger's symptoms worse especially social interaction. (IMHO anyway)
Diagnosed With Asperger's.
Your Aspie score: 151 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 44 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie.
Culture Fair IQ:128 (Top 4%)
My Dx was at a mental hospital, with a psychologist who specialized in autism, met with him for a total of 6 hours. It was taped and a psychiatrist watched the tapes and countersigned the diagnosis.
I did that, and asked for exactly that, and was not a patient at the hospital. I asked because nobody will ever argue with such a thorough Dx from a prestigious hospital.
They gave me about an inch thick of paper by way of report, but on top was what I asked for: one page of Dx, on hospital letterhead, signed by the psychiatrist, who mentioned the psychologist. *Nobody* is going to argue with that. It cleared all the wannabe diagnosers out of my life, so I could get on with building a life that I can be comfortable with.
Crap. I don't even know how I'll be able to even talk to a psychiatrist or therapist for a long time.
Before seeing this new doctor, I told my actual doctor about how I wanted to find out about if I had Aspergers syndrome. I told her why, and she didn't doubt I had it. She also wanted me to see a therapist for depression. I lost over 10 pounds in the past few years.
I found out losing weight can be common for girls with aspgers because of picky eating, or being distracted by an interest so some may not pay attention to eating.
(Not sure if this is true, I just read it somewhere.)
I weigh about 92,93 pounds now. The heaviest I have been was 106.
I don't feel like I have depression, though I can get depressed, everyone can.
My mom fears about taking me somewhere because we have some shady doctors here.
I don't even know if we have any that specializes in Autism.
another doctor told me the same thing, i asked her what would fit better, she gave me a bunch of diagnoses:
Nonverbal Learning Disability
Dyslexia/ ADHD/ OCD
Social Communication Disorder/ ADHD/ OCD
and then i looked up the symptoms and the only one that remotely fit was Nonverbal Learning Disability, so i got tested and i didnt have it, so the only thing left was AS and HFA
so, ask what she thinks could fit your symptoms better. then do some research, just to be safe, if you still dont find anything else that fit then go back to AS.
Obsessing over Sonic the Hedgehog since 2009
Diagnosed with Aspergers' syndrome in 2012.
Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder Level 1 severity without intellectual disability and without language impairment in 2015.
Once again I don't KNOW this doctor. She isn't a therapist or a psychologist. She is just a regular doctor who deals with psychical problems, not mental ones.
My actual doctor had sent in a lady who deals with depression and such and recommends a therapist, I forgot what her position was called. They gave me a card to a therapist, but it doesn't say he deals with autism, the lady said he did. But she couldn't even pronounce "Aspergers" correctly when she told him about it. It was a major face palm moment.
I went to this new doctor, asking for information on the therapist because I lost his card.
I didn't tell this new doctor all the symptoms that I told you guys. I only told about social issues because I couldn't get myself to speak up about my problems to her. I only told her about my concern because she wondered why I needed to go to a therapist.
Keep in mind I didn't even make small talk or eye contact with this doctor.
So I'm scared to go to this therapist. There's no information about autism on his website.
Hey guys, should I just take the aspergers test based on how I would answer if I were single? I know for a fact a lot of things would be different for my test. Like for example I would like being touched, followed, close to, and small talk with my boyfriend. But no one else. I hit yes because I base my answers on just him.
Also I put that I don't mind if people interrupt my schedule because I don't have one. My parents never gave me one, I am HIGHLY disorganized. Always the girl with the messy desk, backpack, locker, purse...
Also when it comes to meeting people, I prefer not to. I don't care to meet people. But when I'm alone I want to. When it comes down to it. I avoid talking to people. Should I answer this different too?
A lot of the question I base on what I'd LIKE to do, not what I actually do...
In many places, things that go on in hospitals are free. Is that true where you care, could you ask your old doctor? Can your old doc still help?
I'm really sorry to hear about you're being in that situation.
It is somewhat, I appreciate the answer. Now I'm even more nervous to try to talk to someone.
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