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28 Jan 2014, 6:37 am

Obviously I finished school years ago, 2007 was happy to see the back of my school days.

Do many of you diagnosed with AS have bad school attendance reports?

I went to school like 1 out of 5 days, and even when I did go, I'd be late to school, 'bunk' of classes (purposely not go to them and just spend the hour walking around the school or hide out by the shops and takeaways car park near the school), or if I did go to classes, I was bullied and stressed out so much I'd flip tables and walk out.

Do/Did any of you have bad attendance reports? I just hated school, not just the bullying, but being around all the people in school as a child and teenager, it was too much to handle.


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28 Jan 2014, 6:44 am

I had terrible attendance.


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28 Jan 2014, 6:54 am

My school attendance was average during elementary school, but it was terrible in middle school.
In 6th grade I skipped school a lot and I never attended the PE class. In 7th grade I skipped school so much that I almost got in troubles with it and almost had to repeat 7th grade. In 8th grade I skipped school a lot as well and I often called my father from the school toilet to come and take me from school before all the lessons were over because I used to have terrible panic attacks and anxieties.
Now I'm in 11th grade and my writing class teacher told my mother I skip a lot of school days.
I actually had to go to school today but I didn't because of a really bad period.


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28 Jan 2014, 10:34 am

I went to school in the 60s. If I cut school for two days, they would punish me by suspending me for three days. I did not find this to be the deterrent they thought it was.

There is a web site called school survival that is frequented by those for whom school is not a good fit.

Here is a link to a page that describes why school has problems;


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28 Jan 2014, 11:12 am

Your attendance and ways to avoid it sound exactly like my story, OP, except for the part about throwing tables around and storming out. I didn't do that, but I did do anything I could to avoid attending.

I was a bright child who was top of the class academically, but hated school so much for the social side of things that I would do anything not to go. I bunked off/cut class, hid in the girls' toilets, was chronically late, and had an enabling mother who only had to hear "Don't feel very well..." to let me stay at home, and who then wrote the obligatory note to teacher for when I returned. I hated school, was bullied but even when that faded a bit, I still felt so anxious and exhausted by all the interpersonal dynamics there that I couldn't handle it most of the time.


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28 Jan 2014, 11:16 am

My attendance was so bad that I had to go to family court multiple times because of it and was sent away twice.

In seventh and eighth grade I somehow managed to miss over 100 days a year each year.

I wish I could have been home schooled but no one ever suggested it to my mother. I guess people didn't do it as much then.

Last edited by hanyo on 28 Jan 2014, 12:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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28 Jan 2014, 12:28 pm

My atendance at school was and is quite good. At junior school I had no friends so school was an aweful place to be. I was never truant because I have a compulsion to follow the rules. I always shuned those who were always noughty at school because a lot of the time they where being loud and annoying. But now I'm at secondary school things are a lot better because I have plenty of friends and I have lowered my standards a little regarding those who brake the rules. I understand why a lot of aspies tend to be truant I have been through a lot of it myself so nothing against you guys.


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28 Jan 2014, 1:29 pm

My attendance tended to be pretty good as it did not bother me to be there greatly. Of course, I found it stupid and ridiculous, the endless amount of rituals, regulations and restriction- uniform seemed to an entirely meaningless social construct designed to give the psychological impression of unity in the hive mine. I therefore empathize with people who bunked off though most of the people I knew at school who did it were not individuals I would associate myself with (though no disrespect to you or anyone else who did it). I more kind of 'bunked off' in my own mind. :)

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28 Jan 2014, 2:30 pm

Ye i hardly ever went and when i did go i was always thinking of ways to leave or get out. In my last year i had basically stopped going and the teachers just gave up on me. Didn't even turn up for my exams and i'm like it now with work.


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28 Jan 2014, 2:54 pm

Surprisingly though. I had excellent school attendance. There where times where I would skip day here and there but it always was within the school's criteria. In fact. I have gotten a couple of awards for perfect attendance. So yes, even in spite of all the failures I had in school. attendance was not one of them.


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28 Jan 2014, 3:01 pm

About 1/2

God I hated going.

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28 Jan 2014, 3:08 pm

I started having issues in like 1st or 2nd grade. I switched to a new school for 3rd grade and I really hated going. I always made excuses to stay home. My mom was finally faced with going to court/jail or having me go. It was horrible. I have memories of chasing my mom up and down the halls of my school, begging her not to leave me.

It was never as much of a problem after that but I got really burnout and needed to take days every couple weeks or so. I have always missed a lot of days each year.

My problem was that as I got older, and became more of a perfectionist, I would feel really guilty about missing. It would feel good to know I didn't have to go but then once the day was almost through, I would get upset about not going and worry about the work I missed. I was like that in college too and I am still like that today with work.


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28 Jan 2014, 3:23 pm

when i started highschool i had a choice to attend school, so i didnt, i dropped out completely

Obsessing over Sonic the Hedgehog since 2009
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28 Jan 2014, 9:40 pm

I don't think I ever voluntarily missed school - the only times I was absent was if I was sick (which wasn't very often in middle/high school) or my parents had me take the day off for a family event, etc. A lot of the "absences" on my record were actually due to errors made by the teachers or the scheduling system. In college things changed a little bit, but I was able to turn that around - in some of my later classes, the professors knew me as the "person who shows up to every class" because most of the other students would watch the recorded lectures instead and only show up on exam day.

"Tongue tied and twisted, just an earth-bound misfit, I" - Pink Floyd
(and then the tower cleared me for take off)