Sethno wrote:
Unless the psychiatrist specializes in autism, you saw the wrong person. The generalists are not dependable.
I went to see my usual psychiatrist... the one I see for my GAD, ADHD, and Social Anxiety. She is very well accredited and teaches at UCLA, but the fact that she doesn't specialize makes me upset at her attempt to diagnose me. The problem was that I came in with the diagnosis and proof thereof at the ready. I think she was hesitant to suggest that I have an ASD because she can't "see" my symptoms (because I'm good at self-care, I've learned how to socialize, and I can look people in the eye), and probably because she thinks I'm neurotic, not ASD.
Willard wrote:
Exactly. Psychiatrists are licensed to use a prescription pad and anyone who thinks Big Pharma doesn't offer incentives and kickbacks to get their product sold, is not paying attention. Check your Psychiatrist's backyard for that 'Lunesta Butterfly'-shaped pool.
Psychologists OTOH, can't prescribe meds, so may be more likely to take your personal suspicions seriously.
I mean, geez, who knows better what's going on inside your own head, than the person living in it?
As far as psychiatrists are concerned, she's decent, but she's just a general psychiatrist. I feel sort of arrogant thinking I know more than she does when it comes to my diagnoses, but like you said, Willard, she can't see inside my head.
psychologist put how I feel into words perfectly: "It's like when you walk into AA for the first time and realize "Holy S**t. How do these people know me? Who got inside my head and pulled out all of this information without my knowledge?" " That's how I feel. I feel like I just found a group of people who know exactly how I feel and my psychiatrist is telling me I don't know what I'm talking about. Frustrating, to say the least.
Thanks, everyone for posting about this. I really needed the support with such a disappointing day. Really felt down about this for a long time afterward. Helps to have you guys!
AQ=40, EQ=15, IQ=144
Aspie Score: 134/200, NT Score: 82/100
Emotional Intelligence: 57/100
Not diagnosed yet, but it looks pretty obvious to me!