Problems with thinking
Sometimes, I have issues with thinking:
1.) I can tell there's a thought trying to form, but I don't know what that thought is. It's like a booger caught in my head, making me anxious to get it out.
2.) Sometimes, when I try to concentrate on something, like thinking of things, the thought gets smaller and more distant and other thoughts start to appear. I then would struggle to keep the thought, to 'de-squeeze' it so to speak, to expand it back out, to get back in it it.
3.) To be able to summarize, rather than just quote literally from, something, I often have to read it over and over again and to read collaborating sources before I achieve that Eureka! moment of being able to summarize it and understand it piercingly.
4.) When talking, or when working on something, I'll sometimes forget the point of what I'm doing. When this happens while talking, I'll start with a kinda think fast! measure, where I'll keep adding words that seem relevant while I rack my brains for the context; after recovering the context, I'll "correct" my course. If I'm working on a project, then I'll just stare out into space for a little while, being unaware of thinking and seeing, and then I'll look at what I've been doing to recover the context.
5.) While thinking, I'll sometimes combine things in weird ways or even suddenly say stuff that is way out of context. Like, I was driving today, thinking about something, but I don't remember what it was, then I saw the sign that said "SPEED LIMIT 45," then I don't remember what happened right after that, but when I came to, I said to myself, "He is 45 years old." I then tried to think back to what I was thinking about and when I recovered the context, I asked myself where that came from and then remembered the speed limit sign, but then I thought, where did the whole thing about a person's age come from? (Nothing in the context of what I was previously thinking called for thinking of the age of a person.) When I get excited, I'll say strange things to myself. With people I am really comfortable with, my mum particularly, I'll do these stereotypies too, but with anybody else I manage to keep them inhibited.
What problems with thinking do y'all have?
"You have a responsibility to consider all sides of a problem and a responsibility to make a judgment and a responsibility to care for all involved." --Ian Danskin
I think I only share #3 with you. I have a very difficult time summarizing.
My husband recently told me that I tend to communicate by stating ALL of the supporting details (no matter how small), then I tell my main point. Other people find it frustrating, that simple explanation has been a but world-changing for me in giving me a potential trick to use when I don't seem to be communicating well.
I don't really know that much about my thinking problems. I haven't really ever dissected them well.
Challenge accepted!
I'm pretty sure I overthink ideas and when I try to articulate them, they don't make sense to anyone at all. I embarrassed myself in front of my writing instructor today doing that and I wanted to cry.
Officially diagnosed with nonverbal learning disability, social anxiety disorder, and dsythymic disorder.
+ I share 2, 3 and 4 with you pretty strongly.
+ I share 1 and 5 with you, but only to an extent or in a different way.
Difference in #1:
+ I'm not exactly sure what you mean by 'don't know what the thought is'. Do you mean something like a tip-of-the-tongue moment, where you are latching on to a memory but can't exactly remember it? When something 'rings a bell' but you aren't exactly sure what? I guess you could say it's like Dejavu in one way or another.
Difference in #5:
+ I do this too, but in a slightly different way. I tend to automatically link it to other things in my mind and make puns or something about it, amusing myself. For example, if I see 10:24 as the time I'll always think of a gigabyte. I could give many examples, but thinking of something specifically defeats the purpose. I don't forget the original context, but it's as if I have multiple contexts when it comes to things like that sometimes.
Unapologetically, Norny.

-chronically drunk
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