bumble wrote:
People look at me like I just stepped off the funny bus (and I don't mean funny as in humour), either that or they seem to think I might hit them. I don't hit things, I just get ranty, yell, cry and storm off. On really bad days I hit my head but fortunately the really bad ones don't happen too often, especially if i keep my environment as I need it.
Just curious, what happens if you see someone in a public place acting irrationally? Having a rage attack or angry outburst or overblown reaction to something seemingly trivial? I admit that I have had very little insight into my own irrational behavior yet have been judgmental toward others. In retrospect I should have been kinder in my thoughts but had not realized my own shortcomings. I now do take an extra moment to stop and think. Just wonder how others react/have reacted to other people acting out in public?