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13 Apr 2005, 11:12 pm

Ladies and gentlemen of

Capitalism has failed. With the opening of new markets came the tacit promise that the human condition would improve for everyone. Look to Rwanda or, closer to home, rural Mississippi. Also with capitalism came the prospect of a truer recognition of human dignity. What the market has produced is an appeal to the lowest element, where demand is "greatest." Janet Jackson and the nipple episode. George W. Bush's mug on televisions and newspapers across the United States. Need I say more?

But don't get me wrong. I'm no Marxist. I'm not advocating that the peasants and working class rise up by force to capture the means of production and ensure equality of outcome. Not at all. Nor am I advocating a return to a feudal system; such is absurd.

Friends, my proposal is something simple called Aspergonomics. Some sociologists state Western society is developing into a meritocracy, a society in which individuals are promoted on merit, intellectual worth. Aspergergonomics takes this one step further: By Aspergonomics, I propose we hand ultimate authority to those of us gifted with Asperger's syndrome and other high-functioning forms of autism. We have already contributed so much to the sciences, mathematics, and engineering. The possibilities for all of humanity are boundless if we are in charge!

Under our lead, culture will flourish as never before. Under Aspergonomics, the vagaries of the market will not determine what appears on the television or what lines the shelves in stores. Instead, an Aspergentsia will place cinematic works, literature, texts, and devices that cultivate the sciences, the arts, and the other disciplines created by the human mind on the shelves. Athletics will not be eliminated, of course; but their status in society will be reduced significantly.

A certain respect for the dignity of every human being of every neurological shade, hue of skin, religious creed, sexual orientation, and gender will be established, promoting the old liberal ideals of the bygone Enlightenment. The currency of today will be replaced by information and the free exchange of ideas. Robots designed under the auspices of the autistics will perform the menial duties the now more intellectually enlightened society has rejected from themselves.

We can dream this dream, of course; but wouldn't it be magical if we could make our dream reality?


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13 Apr 2005, 11:28 pm

Wow, that might work, but one of us rising to power is almost a contradiction to being AS. Not many here are good at swaying people or public speaking. People listen to me, but the thought of me leading a country.....HA!

Anarchy works in theory, but we'd all become moral-less , murderous thieves. Unless we were all AS, but that's a different topic.

I don't believe Capitalism has failed....yet. Our economy hasn't collapsed...yet. In about 50-100 years, if our government stays the way it is, that's when things well go downhill. With all our bizarre, controlling laws, we get closer to Communists-in-denial everyday. I'm speaking of America, just so eveyone knows. Imagine a Communist country run by the media and the fear of whatever shi* people are too worried about thanks to the media. THAT, would work as a country. CNN and NBC telling people what to do everyday. Commercials talking about how bad having a religion is. Stereotyping people who won't conform. This is what were slowly becoming. "Oh no, he has a religion, run!" The way New Age thinking is, that's what were heading torwards.

Sorry to rant. I think I might expand on that sometime, it's a good rant. :)

Question: How'd you get colors?


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13 Apr 2005, 11:34 pm

they (the NT) are not ready yet ... :wink:


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14 Apr 2005, 1:45 am

"Throughout recorded time . . . there have been three kinds of people in the world, the High, the Middle, and the Low. They have been subdivided in many ways, they have borne countless different names, and their relative numbers, as well as their attitude towards one another, have varied from age to age: but the essential structure of society has never altered. Even after enormous upheavals and seemingly irrevocable changes, the same pattern has always reasserted itself, just as a gyroscope will always return to equilibrium, however far it is pushed one way or the other. The aims of these three groups are entirely irreconcilable."

"No advance in wealth, no softening of manners, no reform or revolution has ever brought human equality a millimetre nearer."

-George Orwell in 1984


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14 Apr 2005, 2:20 am

sarcastic-name... what a TOP BANANA signature!


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14 Apr 2005, 8:54 am

Orwell's right you know...


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14 Apr 2005, 9:02 am

Here's a criticism of this type of philosophy from my story: It's basically burlesque satire...

Dark Aspergs fulfill the same role in NERVE-WERLD that the Majestic Twelve and the Elders of Zion fill in our world. Intelligent, socially respectable people do not believe in them and the sort of people who do believe in Dark Aspergs make the theorized conspiracy look rational by comparison.

Conspiracy theorists (some of which are Asperg themselves) disagree over when the Dark Asperg conspiracy started or where it’s officially located (most proponents agree New York). The most popular story is that around the enlightenment era; right after Thomas Hobbes put down the foundation for liberal society an organization was founded; a secret society of “hypersensitive autists” who were rejected, yet valued by conservative society. Some of their founding members were lesser known philosophes who manifested some facets of “hypersensitive introversion” such as Jeremy Bentham and Henry Cavendish were allegedly Dark Aspergs (this is a conspiracy theory, none of this can be proven or verified).

The few books which talk about the subject (mostly written shortly after the plague war) refer to the Dark Asperg subculture possessing vast amounts of political ‘leverage’ and information on everybody on the planet; they were so powerful that Thomas Jefferson, Nikola Tesla and Bill Gates all made coffee at their meetings. Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy of the ascetic intellectual as ubermensch only energized and radicalized this society into it’s current state.

The conspiracy theory also states that every technologically dehumanizing and ethically ambiguous advance since the 1765 Stamp Act on the American Colonies can be traced back to Dark Asperg influence. As an example; alternating current lead to the electrification revolution; and lead to an increase in the gap between technological haves and have-nots in Western Civilization; alternating current can be traced back to Nikola Tesla who, if not Asperg, had certain allegiance with their techno-ubermensch philosophy.

Every dehumanizing, Nietzschean or just plain weird advancement in culture, science and philosophy can be traced back to the Dark Asperg conspiracy (or so it’s proponents say)Wittgenstein’s extreme skepticism made it impossible for intellectuals to earnestly believe in anything besides basic rules of logic, and lead to a world where the laws of logic and physics are absolute and are the only thing an intelligent man can rely on; Andy Warhol’s discovery of postmodern irony made it difficult for people to appreciate their own culture and lead further towards a dehumanizing, technocratic world; Bill Gates’ monopolistic domination of an entire industry planet-wide lead to an economic and social worldview that was a cross between Chinese bureaucracy, American capitalism, European social democracy and Russian Oligarchy.

Dark Asperg innovation leads to a world where every individual is a distinct universe in him or herself, information flows out of everything without cohesive meaning or reference overloading every nervous system connected to it and intelligence grows like brambles and rat’s nests over every system it can creep over. The Dark Asperg agenda is forced autism, social introversion, existential confusion and information overload on a global scale; a world where human beings are only physically distinguishable from their tools and systems; a world where individual ego is subsumed in a flood of quasi-rational analytical thought and sensory overload; a universal autistic nirvana, even if it is inverted nirvana.

The plague war (which was completely unrelated to the Dark Asperg conspiracy and took them totally by surprise) merely slowed down their progress on Earth and left them trapped on “the mudball” (as some space-faring elitists called it) most people hold that the fact that the plague war ever happened shows that Dark Aspergs do not exist. In fact the simplest rational explanation is that Dark Aspergs were invented as a convenient scapegoat like the Illuminati or the Elders of Zion to demonize a productive social group like the autistic stewardship. You can discount the past few paragraphs because Dark Aspergs obviously don’t exist. People who believe Dark Aspergs exist are apparently crazy, stupid or bigoted. Rational, productive people; regardless of where they are from do not believe in conspiracies led by secret societies who nobody ever sees and can’t be proven any more that fairies. This entry never took place; we were never here.

“Now at midnight all the agents, and the superhuman crew come out and round up everyone that knows more than they do”

Bob Dylan; Desolation Row


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14 Apr 2005, 3:24 pm

I have one simple question. How can the work environment affect those of us with AS?

Jason Larsen
[email protected]