Sense Stereotypic Behaviors
I often do this. It hurts on occassion and I do it a lot when I'm really stressed out. I'm some what calmed when doing this.
Sense Stereotypic Behaviors
Tactile rubbing the skin with one's hands or with another
object, scratching
I did this a lot when I had Eczema. But that was mainly to relive the itching (it was only on my hands).
Sense Stereotypic Behaviors
Vestibular rocking front to back, rocking side-to-side
I thought everyone relaxed that way.
Sense Stereotypic Behaviors
Taste placing body parts or objects in one's mouth,
licking objects
I don't do this, but sometimes I crave a strong flavor, like cinnamon, and I usually just chew gum rather than lick something. Before gum, I'd do that.
One set of theories suggests that these behaviors provide the person with sensory stimulation (i.e., the person's sense is hyposensitive). Due to some system in the brain or periphery, the body craves stimulation; and thus, the person engages in these behaviors to excite or arouse the nervous system.
I sometimes crave simulation in the form of flavor, as I mentioned earlier. It is rarely for this reason, although it makes sense sometimes.
Another set of theories states that these behaviors are exhibited to calm a person (i.e., the person's sense is hypersensitive). That is, the environment is too stimulating and the person is in a state of sensory-overload. As a result, the individual engages in these behaviors to block-out the over-stimulating environment; and his/her attention becomes focused inwardly."
This is the category most of my behaviours fall under. I often "stim" to relieve stress or anxiety. Hand flapping, staring at light, repetitive blinking, rocking from side to side, etc.
Another thing that makes band much more enjoyable for me: in the band room there is a TV always on showing announcements. Well, tubas vibrate while they're being played, so whenever I'm playing I like to look at the TV screen because the tuba vibrations make my eyes vibrate too. It's a very fun visual trick.
Sorry if this post was too long, I'm just having a stressful day and need to talk.