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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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21 Feb 2007, 4:56 am

can someone be a "nerd or geek" without being on the autism spectrem??

I can pin point autistic characteristics in people i know extreemly well. and accurtate based on behavior and social patterns.

almost every "nerdy" person i know personally, has the autistic characteristics mainly found is people with Asperger's syndrome.


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21 Feb 2007, 5:06 am

calibaby wrote:
can someone be a "nerd or geek" without being on the autism spectrem??

I can pin point autistic characteristics in people i know extreemly well. and accurtate based on behavior and social patterns.

almost every "nerdy" person i know personally, has the autistic characteristics mainly found is people with Asperger's syndrome.

Yes, they can.

Not all aspies are geeks, and not all geeks are aspies. I know geeks that can make friends so fast I don't know what's hit me. No social problems whatsoever, just interests that are lame


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21 Feb 2007, 6:20 am

However, a stereotypical nerd and/or geek can display Aspie characteristic. I picked this out when seeing the character Brian from The Breakfast Club (doing an essay on it now actually!)

I was sad when I found that she left
But then I found
That I could speak to her,
In a way
And sadness turned to comfort
We all go there


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21 Feb 2007, 6:30 am

The word geek or nerd is so subjective its impossible to answer this question. Until you
provide a formal definition of nerd that can quantify nerdiness anyway.

Oh also there is no formal way to compare two people on the spectrum either. One person with AS may live alone in cave and another maybe barely on the spectrum.


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21 Feb 2007, 6:35 am

KBABZ wrote:
However, a stereotypical nerd and/or geek can display Aspie characteristic. I picked this out when seeing the character Brian from The Breakfast Club (doing an essay on it now actually!)

Yes, but I think it's Ally Sheedy's character who acts the most Aspie in that movie. Brian is just shy. He seemed connected, but wanted to more like the jocks and wasn't.

Watch it again and see what you think.


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21 Feb 2007, 6:40 am

ZanneMarie wrote:
KBABZ wrote:
However, a stereotypical nerd and/or geek can display Aspie characteristic. I picked this out when seeing the character Brian from The Breakfast Club (doing an essay on it now actually!)

Yes, but I think it's Ally Sheedy's character who acts the most Aspie in that movie. Brian is just shy. He seemed connected, but wanted to more like the jocks and wasn't.

Watch it again and see what you think.

Yes, I did link Ally's quirks to AS as well. It's the quirks I like, which is why I love Star so much!

I was sad when I found that she left
But then I found
That I could speak to her,
In a way
And sadness turned to comfort
We all go there


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21 Feb 2007, 10:09 am

calibaby wrote:
can someone be a "nerd or geek" without being on the autism spectrem??

Sure they can. My weekend RPG gaming group is full of them. There is only one other person in the group who I suspect might have AS.

"Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps." -- Emo Philips


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21 Feb 2007, 2:06 pm

KBABZ I like the new look.

Labels are vauge, while most might be sent to the Group W Bench, not of my world, smarter than me, does not fit our customer profile, has been folded, spindled, or mutalated, head case, rap sheet a mile long, wears pocket protecter, morally unfit, I do not like the way they looked at me, asks questions, does not show respect, would not make eye contact, does not answer when questioned, ...

My self Dx is Uber Mechano Geek, Alpha Machine Head, I see you all as real because you are talking through a machine. It has related skills, I read specs, exploded parts diagrams, blueprints, and find the greatest human failing comes from reduceing images to words, because they cannot process images.

Images can be expressed in math, my friends speak G Code, CAD files convert, but words have become less precise while I have been watching. We are a liberal sect, if the marerial is up to spec, and within 0.0001" of the print, all are welcome.

Please submit the graph of "Autisum Spectrem." It sounds like something an English Major would say.

"He also serves who only sits and rocks."

On the Planet of the Apes, the opposed thumb is a defomity. He stands like he is reaching for high fruit, all the time, and when he runs, he stays upright and only uses his hind legs, his knuckles never touch the ground, sometimes he sits for hours making marks on a piece of bark with charcoal, other times he turns violent and breaks rocks, then breaks off smaller pieces, it is dangerous, the edges bite, someone could get hurt, the worst is he brings forth the sky fire from stones, traps it in a circle of stones, and feeds it! If it ever gets out the whole forest will burn. Oh Doctor, do whatever it takes to cure him, to make him like one of us.

Starting with the Lesser Ground Ape Spectrum, some are natural cat food, the main body stays in groups so they can watch for threats, and the odds are the cat will eat someone else, it is also where most of the sex happens. Being a group member is very important to them, after all, the majority is always right.

Some are edge members, spending part of their time with the group, but wandering alone also. Everyone expects they will be eaten, but they return carrying new ripe fruit, and after being beaten by the group bully, tell where they got it, and the whole group goes and takes it.

Others find fruit and never return, for they have forethought, and in the choice between being beaten and having all the fruit taken, or staying and eating it, they show a lack of group loyality. If they are discovered they will be beaten, the fruit taken, which shows they are still members of the group, and it was a good run while it lasted.

One sub group of interest is young females, the most docile of all, except, after watching the group dynamic, getting their share of the identity beatings, notice that the females get identity beatings, and sex beatings, and while identity beatings come from group superiors, sex beatings come from all the males.

As they reach maturity, they notice they are being watched, by all the males, like they are all waiting to pounce, and having seen and heard slightly older females go through the ritual which never ends, one day they slip off into the forest and are never seen again. The implied message is, "I would rather be cat food."

Some do get lonely and join other groups, for it is better to be beaten by strangers than close family. Others find some stray male who lacks group loyality, but knows where the fruit is, and is mostly too distracted, and being one with no group, lacks reason for beatings. The female is welcome, for he does not want her to go back and tell the group where he is.

They live as equals for a while, at first it is great, but girls will be girls, and reaching sexual maturity, or just feeling like it, she starts making loud calls. This upsets the male, who does not want to be discovered, so he scolds her, and a little while later she does it again, he become angry, she defiant, and continues, until he loses reason, and beats her, which also excites him sexually, somehow while being beaten she turns, puts arms on the ground, and lifts her hindquarters, presenting, it is called, for hind quarters are the usual site of beatings, but this time the physical beating becomes a sexual beating, and the enraged male mounts her, continues hitting her, kicking her, biting her, and as he has one more member, he uses it, and she is battered inside and out.

Soon the male becomes spent, exhausted, and with a few last half-hearted blows, withdraws. He just wants to take a nap. Released, she runs off into the forest. He is sure she will not return, he does not care, she is cat food, and maybe the group will not find him.

When he awakes from his nap she is sitting near him with some fruit, he is confused, but she offers him the fruit and he eats. Nothing has changed, he is still in danger from the group, so he threatens to beat her again if she does not behave, she gives him another piece of fruit and sweetly says, "Yes dear," leaves him alone, and goes off to rearange the pile of leaves where they sleep.

Like all children, their's take on the worst habits of their parents, and 3,000 generations later are living in a condo in Austin. Some things change, some don't.

While reproduction of different traits has been slowed by group identity, the largest dumbest males producing the most offspring, it has also been speeded up by war, where the largest dumbest males slaughter each other, and anyone else around. This leaves those who are not physically, mentally, or morally fit to kill for their country to reproduce. I was born in 1945, all the real men were at the front.

Since the Civil War, "Many a man is in the ground, but not for love." WWI was a double header, " Yesterday I sent 10,000 men to charge the machine guns, today another 10,000, they have to run out of ammo sometime, then we have them." "Those men are not sick, they were healthy enough yesterday, send them on the troop ship, let the cowards die like men." Take the ones from the hospital too!, Dead! Flu! How could that happen? I was yelling in his face just yesterday, the weakling coughed when I hit him, no group loyality, I tell you, gives me a headache, and my joints feel stiff."

WWII, 50,000,000 dead, Go Team Go, a new world record has been set folks, It's offical, ours is the Greatest Generation of all time! The beat goes on! Korea, Vietnam, and we must stay the course in Irak, Afganistan, the way to end war is to spread it!

Soldier, would you tell the folks back home why you are here? Well, our football team won Division and Coach said that America need real men to defend the American Way. At Church our Pastor said Islam was founded by Satan, and he must know something because he is head of a group of Ministers who are going to change the Constitution and pass a Law against Gay Prayer. I don't want them praying to my God, what if they were Saved? Could you imagine being in Heaven with Jesus and his twelve closest apostles, kissing him, anointing him with oil, washing his feet, with Gay people around? It's just not right.

Soldier, what are you plans after the war? Well I joined the Ultimate Death Squad so I could train in every way of killing people, so when I return home I will join the Police. My Pastor said that people who break the law, or look like they might, might get away with it, if they get to Court, the Grand Jury, DA, and Judge are a bunch of liberals, they do not belong to our Church, if you know what I mean, so we have to do God's work. The President is one of us, and all that he needs is a little more power.

Thank you soldier, there you have folks, from the front, we must stay the course. I am convinced, and I want these men to stay here till the job is done, no matter how long it takes, no matter the cost, the sacrifice, these men are willing to give all for us, and we have to do the same for them. It proves the old saying, there are no evolutionist in a foxhole.

Words are not evil, just the people who use them. My first Dx, Demonic Possession, was very helpful. I would have never become Master of the Dark Arts without it. For your information, I am not Possessed, we are just good friends.

Words are slippery at best, Psyc Majors make the hair on the back of my neck rise, I suddenly become aware of having canines, and mine are fully rounded. English Majors crave attention, "Watch while I lie to you, and myself, at the same time!"

Like I am going to believe a Valley Girl who has a Degree in Comunication? Nerd, Geek, AS, are not in my 1975 dictionary. They are meaningless Valley girl babble. Not understanding shows who belongs to the group, and who does not. A true AS would not care. I have been defined by others, they were all wrong.

I would like a text book definition of AS, Wiki talks in circles. So far I have no meaning for the term. I do connect with the people here, that never happened before, something is going on, should I ask a NT? Geek, nerd, AS, are NT words, I do not understand NTs.

There is a great sameness to the peoople here, variations, a range, based on talent, life experience, but if a common identity is shared by 9205 members, with more coming in every day, we do not "have" anything, we "are" something.

Check list,

oposed thumb,
stands upright, walks on hind legs,
no brow ridges,
skull longer than wide,
uses tools,
can think about things not in sight,
not a herd animal, emotional independence,
sees humans as the problem, not themselves,
feels like they are being dragged down by unevolved animals,
never knew love, understanding, community, friendship, till they logged on to WP,
Wish to define themselves, have relations with others like themselves,
is sure the whole world is wrong and they are right, stubornly stick to that view,
Have been waiting for the mother ship,

If you got this far, you have no real problems, except you are a mutant, the leading edge of evolution, another of Mother Natures bets, by the numbers we are at least a million in the US, more in the rest of the world, more coming every day, not much in six billion, but enough to populate a fairly large city.

We are technology, and a lot of other things. Face it, we can not apoligise, nor return to the group, as more of us show up, and we move from being a medical problem, to becoming a economic challenge, we have to watch our step. Some will think we need to be cured, and burning at the stake has been popular before. We are not just a litte problem, like single taxers, or commies, we are something that cannot be understood, we are there, generally smarter, and we have no clue.

I understand the idea of returning to the home planet, of forming our own country, but the old books say some were cast out of the heavens, confined to earth, left without technology, so I do not look for rescue. Time passes, but England does not want the Austrailians back.

If we had a country, NTs would target it. After all, we are cool, but our technology is a danger to ourselves and others, and bullies would beat us and make us tell where the fruit is. We do need to gather, but under a cloak of darkness. We have the talents, do well isolated, do not need much from the outside world, and some of us can pass.

We need to find the fruit, and one by one go to feed, never noticed, gathering in protected places, hidden in plain sight. NTs think we have problems, hence they are superior, it keeps us safe for now.

Then there is us, "We have met the enemy, and they is us!" Aspies Unite! Yea, like what are we going to do, hold hands?

'I would not join any club that would have me for a member." Marx

I joined WP within a day. I never joined anything before, humans, you know. I would not want to live with any of you, but I would not mind having you for neighbors. I think our natural spacing is a bit wider than NTs, I like to look out and see trees.

My domain is machines, any Aspie Acres designers out there?