These are all examples of somatic depersonalization and related phenomena. They are actually mentioned in Domain 3 of the EASE: Bodily Experiences. ... r/EASE.pdf
The OP's experience is 3.3 Somatic Depersonalization:
The body or some of its parts are perceived as strange, alien, lifeless, isolated, separated from each other, dislocated or not existing.
Your experience is another example of 3.3 Somatic Depersonalization.
Your experience is an example of 3.8.5 Desautomation of Movement:
common everyday, habitual actions (such as getting dressed, washing, shaving, brushing the hair) that have been performed more or less automatically in the past cannot be performed any more or only with great effort of will power. They take more time and have to be performed with maximal and conscious attention. Partially automated performances (e.g. riding a bicycle, knitting or working in the kitchen) are also disturbed. Action routines that had been effortlessly available are more or less completely lost.
One difference might be that you are able to regain these automations from time to time before losing them again.
EDIT: Ann2011, on reading the last paragraph again, it looks like you might also have 3.8.5 Desautomation of Movement, or one of the 3.8 Motor Disturbances.
"You have a responsibility to consider all sides of a problem and a responsibility to make a judgment and a responsibility to care for all involved." --Ian Danskin