OCD when Sad?
I've just returned home from a 2 night stay at a beach-house. I won't explain the story, but there were 5 other people there (2 of which were my best friends) and I enjoyed the experience.
Now that I'm home I can't stop thinking about how much I miss being there. I'm struggling to comprehend how I will be able to sleep in this emotional state. I've been sniffing everything in my suitcase (including pillow cases which my friends used) to the point of creepiness and have been storing and organizing photos/chats about things related to the beach-house. I've imagined the whole house in my mind many times to ensure that I won't forget something. In addition to all that, I've been checking to see if my family are still awake at times (it's 2AM as I post this) as well as viewing myself in the mirror, as I last showered/dressed at the beach-house. I kept my slightly uncomfortable beach-house clothes on to extend reminiscence I suppose.
I also seem to be doing some other weird things that could possibly be stimming (I only just noticed). I'm forcefully breathing in/out my nose 2-3 times more frequently than usual, scraping my fingers against each other slightly more than usual and when I have my hand on the mouse I'll wave it back and forth over windows/links/borders, usually horizontally and vertically, or by fitting it roughly into a line. I also drag my finger along the small gap in the keyboard as if to clean out rubbish from the first row of keys more than I usually do.
Does anyone else experience this? Do you have any idea why I do this?
Unapologetically, Norny.

-chronically drunk
I agree. I was going to make the title 'OCD-Like' but it looked chunky and ugly so I stuck with OCD alone.
It does feel similar to what a compulsion feels like though. For example, I kept feeling the need to sniff anything in my suitcase that reminded me of being there, and I had to keep checking to ensure that others were awake in my house still. If I didn't do this the sadness would increase and/or I'd feel like I was going to miss my chance to reminisce or something like that.
It's been a long time since I experienced an emotion that deep though, as for the past few years I've basically avoided/prevented myself from feeling anything intensely. Within the last few weeks I've been wanting to feel more emotional again especially after reading a thread on this forum regarding 'emotional deadness'. I felt like I was somewhat numb for far too long, sort of like an apathetic depression (no sadness). I'm not too sure why I suddenly started feeling again, perhaps my subconscious defense mechanisms fell as a result of will or something, I have no idea.
Right now I'm really annoyed that my mum unpacked my suitcase and put half my clothes into the wash despite having requested her not to, but I'm blocking out the sadness caused by that.
Unapologetically, Norny.

-chronically drunk