1. One of my college physics professor said that a lot of "genius kids" don't stick to their childhood interest. I wonder if Jacob will be so interested in physics in ten years, or it will get boring, and he will want to do something else?
2. Everyone says I am very smart, and some have affectionately call me a genius. ASD and Transsexual means a very unique mind. However, there is no way anyone will find me devoting the blood, sweat and tears it takes to be real genius.
I have worked with autistic computer programmers that code, and do not sleep for many days. No thank you.
I worked for a mathematician who started his own software company making alarm software, and he would work horrendous hours. No thank you.
I have worked with people with multiple graduate degrees. My present boss has a J.D. law degree, M.S. in EE, and a M.S. in Mathematics. No way I am going for credentials. 
Last edited by LoveNotHate on 21 Feb 2014, 1:24 am, edited 2 times in total.