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21 Feb 2014, 11:34 am

The "E-S Theory" states that autistic people have less "E", and more "S".

source, ... ing_theory

I always wondered what was meant by "systemizing" per an autistic person. I found this definition from a 2009 research article ...

- Talent in autism comes in many forms, but a common characteristic is that the individual becomes an expert in recognizing repeating patterns in stimuli
- one systemizes by noting regularities (or structure) and rules.

source, ... /1377.long

I find it interesting because it explains why I make "ordered expectancy" patterns out of what I observe. I did not know I was "systemizing". :idea:

If I am wrong, or anyone has a further definition then please comment.


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21 Feb 2014, 11:48 am

Not diagnosed, but the 'repeating patterns in stimuli' part applies very strongly to me. I make way too many associations almost automatically and my humour involves an incredible about of puns/wordplay. I'm sure this has to do with systemizing as my friends have pointed out that I have a tendency to categorize things based on the associations/humour. My thinking is very structured and has an immense amount of rules that when disturbed (i.e. learning contradicting information) I become so easily frustrated that I tend to just give up on whatever I'm doing or become angry.

I can't really comment much else on the matter, as the E-S Theory is something I haven't really looked into much at all.

Unapologetically, Norny. :rambo:
-chronically drunk


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21 Feb 2014, 12:23 pm

Thanks for this information.

I found the second link particularly interesting (and easy to read, all being nicely formatted on a single HTML page). I want to revisit it later to learn more.


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21 Feb 2014, 3:47 pm

I totally don't buy this theory. I won't even begin to criticize it because it would sound like an endless rant. If you wanna know more about it research for simon barry-cohen criticism or read reviews on his books etc.
Also I think the systematizing quotient he developed is very flawed. It seems to gravitate around mechanics and maths and things like that, when actually systematizing is more like a way of thinking. A person can receive a small score in his test but actually be very systematizing in his/her daily life.
For me systematizing manifests itself in patterns and classifications. I do think though that autistics seem to be good at systematizing.


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21 Feb 2014, 5:36 pm

Systemizing and empathy don't seem like opposite things to me. People's behaviours follow patterns too.

Not autistic, I think
Prone to depression
Have celiac disease
Poor motivation