Joe90 wrote:
No. I'm not even entitled to Disability Living Allowance, and I can't get the right support I need because I am too high-functioning (intellectually and physically).
if have got some support needs then it is possible that meet at least low rate care DLA, and perhaps low rate mobility DLA.
itd be worth getting that looked at again,DIAL are good for sorting things like that- owned by the cerebral palsy charity;SCOPE but they work for people with all disabilities.
The usual policy in the UK is for people with disabilities, and even terminal illnesses, to be declared fit for work and then deprived of the means of supporting themselves when they can't work.
although it is a significant problem with UK benefits;thats a case by case basis and isnt a majority of claimants.
in recent months have personaly been transfered from DLA high rate care and high rate mobility to the PIP equivilent and from income support to ESA; support group-didnt have any issues.
however the shocking treatment of fellow disabled people,such as sheila holt; ... e-reforms/ and the thousands of suicides and deaths directly resulting from disabled people being found fit for work is why had attended the manchester protest against ATOS last month,unfortunately sheila has still yet to come out of the coma; amazing they still hassled her to work when she was in a f-king coma,disgusting.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
>>>help to keep bullying off our community,report it!