Droopy wrote:
You handled that better than I would have and maybe even did, I've never been very good at handling being pulled away from what I'm doing, I'm still not. It's like I just get so absorbed and kind of in an inner world. <snip> When it comes to my kids though, I really wish I could have been an NT Mom. I sometimes think I shouldn't have had kids but I didn't know at the time what a bad idea it was. At least they seem to be doing okay though so I'm very thankful for that.
Thanks, Droopy. That inner world thing ... yeah ...
I worry about my kids, too. That's why I've taken to crazy behavior like shouting "I love you." I remember so many little things my mom said/did and I don't want them remembering how I always told them to go away. Crabby mom, no. Crazy mom, somewhat better, I guess.
I think we can be great parents, we just might have to plan ahead a little more. So all we can do is try, eh?