I'm currently going through a tough time and I don't understand the situation or why it's happening. It makes me confused, scared, and my stomach is tied in knots. This is probably the worst I've felt when I don't understand something, but I was wondering if this is normal of people with ASD?
Normally, when I don't understand something, I think in circles. I'll start frantically looking up information online. Then, when the explanations don't make sense it frustrates me even worse because I need to understand. I can't let it go. My brain feels like it's going to explode and I feel terrible.
If the lack of understanding is a person, I ask a ton of questions, many are probably irrelevant, so I'm just shooting in the dark, but then again I don't know which questions to ask. All I know is I want to understand. I need that information. It becomes an obsession of both filling in the gaps in my mind and needing to know things.
Radda Radda